I am not a mexican oompa loompa!

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I slowly feel myself start to fade out of my peaceful sleep, Still slightly sleepy. I hear low snoring and undistinguished music next to my head, and slowly start to open my eyes, still quite groggy and not quite sure where of my surroundings.

When I open my tired eyes, the first thing that comes into view are two huge airplane seats in front of me, and in a flash I realize im on the plane with Zayn, on our way to London.

I lay my head back into the position it was moments before while groaning, hating the fact that all of this was not really a bad dream that I had suddenly woken up from.

I must have fallen asleep earlier, because last thing I knew, I was resting my head on the surprisingly comfty headrest and everything slowly started to fade out.

I look to my right once I realize that Im resting my head on something, on Zayn's shoulder.

I realize in disgust that he has his arm around my shoulder and his head has rolled on top of mine while I contemplate everything, signifying he is also asleep. His light snoring and his muffled music from his earphones are all that you can hear, considering that the only people in first class are his family and I.

I move my head away from his body and push him slightly away from myself and my seat, considering he had started to slump sideways towards half of my seat. He starts to stir and murmur about how he doesn't want to wake up yet.

Slowly his eyes start to flutter open and the first thing his eyes land on are... My eyes.

"You're up already?" he asks me gruffily, an annoyed expression on his face from having to deal with a barely legal adult after just waking up.

"yeah just woke up. Will you turn down your music? It's getting on my nerves already." I start to complain, because honestly I'm getting really tired of listening to old Bruno mars songs from when I was in middle school.

The songs are honestly overplayed after like five years and it does not help that Zayn has the same album on repeat for the whole flight, which if you remember is more than 7 hours long.

I honestly don't think I've ever wanted to land anywhere so badly, it's torture being with Zayn in such a confined area. I've only been awake roughly a hour of this flight, which is so far six hours in, and I feel like pullin my hair off at the fact that I'm with this savage acting creature who acts like a three year old most of the time these few days.

I don't know how I'm going to be able to live with him for my entire life if I can't spend a few hours without wanting to murder his annoying ass.

" Its not my fault you have such a fucking horrible taste in music with your Mexican oompa loompa looking ass." He angrily starts to argue.

I look over to his parents to try to get some help calming down this animal they call their son, to find that they're both sound asleep, snuggled up to each other.

Well, guess im gonna have to play this out on my own...

"You know I'm actually offended by what you just told me, though I'm not sure what to be more offended about, the fact that you called me Mexican like if it's such a bad thing that I'm Mexican, which I don't think it is because I'm proud of being a paisa and I'm proud of ALL my fellow paisas, or the fact that you just called me a fucking oompa loompa, which I'm not, they are miniature, I'm 4'11, not a munchkin.

Or the fact that you tell me I have such fuckin bad taste when you've clearly had that fucking Bruno Mars cd playing since we got on this fucking plane to a country Im not even going to fit in in because it's filled with British english speaking people, not mexicans that are super friendly and speak Spanish to you an treat you like family.

You know how hard of a change this is for me? And to top it all off, I'm stuck with you and your childish ways. For once, act like the fucking 23 year old that you are." I angrily tell him, not caring if anyone heard it, though I seriously doubt it, his parents are asleep and were separated from everyone else on the plane.

After giving him a piece of my mind I abruptly stand up, grab everything I had in my seat with me and go change seats, aiming for the farthest seat from this pitiful excuse of a man.

Angry and worked up, I pop in my earphones and crank up the music while finding a good position to sleep in, planning on spending the next hours of this plane ride asleep and alone, away from Zayn, while I have the chance.


So, I realized I haven't posted in th longest time, even though I have been the laziest person this summer, so decided to do a quick nite time update. Gonna try to update at least twice weekly from now on. Really need feedback though. I need to know what you all like so far, what you don't, what you want me to put in it or to change or to happen. That really helps get the story going so please don't be a fraud to leave a comment :)

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