Chapter 1 - The Man In The Window

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*This is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT VERSION OF PETER PAN! This is not the Disney Peter Pan, it is a mashup of multiple versions of Peter Pan that I put together and wrote the story for. So please don't expect the "normal" Peter Pan!*

(Mark and Peter are about 15, Amy is 9, and Lily is 6)

Mark awoke to a tapping and then a soft click. He turned over and watched as an odd figure crawled in from the window and over to his little sisters' beds. Mark jolted upward, tossing the blanket to the floor and marching over to the monster who was after my sisters.

"Hey! Get away from them!" Mark whisper shouted. He grabbed the monster's shoulder and turned it to face him, but he realized it was just a young boy that looked to be about his age. The boy seemed scared at first, like Mark had frightened him, but then he smirked.

"Hello!" He stepped away and explored the room. "My, you have a very nice bedroom." He danced about, jumping on top of dressers and running around. He was light on his feet and barely made a sound. He Jumped onto the headboard of Mark's sister's bed and leaned over her. "Hello there!" The boy had a bright smile on his face.

Amy rubbed her eyes and sat up. "W-Who are you?" She asked, "Mark? Lily? Who is this boy?"

Lily carefully stretched and woke up. Unlike Mark or Amy she ran right up to him. "Hello! Nice to meet you! I'm Lily!" She gave him a little hug.

"Hello Lily!" He laughed and scooped her up in his arms, swinging her around and making her giggle.

"Excuse me, I don't know who you are but it's very rude to barge into someone's home. Let alone the bedroom of three kids through the window." Mark flicked on the lights so he could see the boy. He immediately felt bad about what he said.

The boy's hair was tangled, messy, and windblown. His clothes and slippers appeared to be made of leaves and patches of cloth stitched together. He was covered from head to toe in mud, dirt, and cuts. He had a large scar down his cheek. Even under his mangled look, he still had the brightest smile and the most beautiful electric blue eyes Mark had ever seen. In a way he actually cute.

"I-I'm so sorry, you're homeless aren't you?" Mark asked, looking the boy up and down.

"What? Of course not!" He put down Lily.

"Where do you live? Who are your parents?" Mark needed to know who these people were, making their child wear leaves for clothing. Even if he was 15.

"Second star to the right and straight on until morning. No parents." He smiled brightly.

"You don't have parents? What happened to them?" Mark gasped.

"I ran away from them. When I was just a little baby, I crawled out of my crib. I was on my own for 7 days, until I went to Neverland!" His eyes lit up like the stars in the sky. Whatever this 'Neverland' was, he truly loved his home.

"Why did you crawl out of your crib?" Mark asked.

The boy just smirked, "I guess I was just a little lost, boy."

"What's 'Neverland'?" Amy asked.

"Neverland is a land far away, full of pirates and mermaids." He acted as if he were telling an adventurous fairy tale to Amy and Lily.

"Mermaids?!" Lily jumped

"Of course! They have beautiful, long tails and they are the prettiest creatures you've ever seen."

"I want to see the mermaids! Oh Mark can we go to Neverland?" Amy asked excitedly, tugging at Mark's arm.

"How do we get to this 'Neverland'?" Mark was amused that his sisters could so easily fall for the tale that this boy made up.

"Fly, of course!" He said as he jumped up on top of a dresser.

"Fly?! I want to fly!" Lily spread her arms and ran about, giggling as she jumped up on her bed.

"Don't be silly, we can't fly." Mark crossed his arms and glared daggers at the boy.

"Well of course you can! Just use a little pixie dust and think lovely thoughts, and you're bound for Neverland!" He pulled a small glowing pouch out of his pocket. For a moment his eyes saddened, but went back to their usual shine as he pulled out a handful of sparkly dust and tossed it in the air.

Amy jumped on her bed and closed her eyes, trying hard to think of things that make her happy. Mark continued to stand where he was. The boy nodded to his bed. Mark scoffed and stood on it, closing his eyes. Thoughts filled his head about him and the boy spending their days together as a beautiful couple. A smile crept across his face, and he spread his arms. When Mark opened his eyes he was floating high above the ground. Amy and Lily soared around the room, giggling and doing flips. The boy flew to the window and pushed it open.

"Follow me everyone! To Neverland!" He shouted.

"Wait, how do I know you're not going to hurt us? I don't even know your name!" Mark said, lazily floating around the room.

"My name is Peter Pan, and I'm going to make all your dreams come true."


I'm going to leave it there! I know it was only the beginning scene, but it was really long and I don't want to bore you guys.

What inspired me to write this? WELL I'M SURE YOU'RE INTERESTED!

So this year I performed in a play, Peter Pan (yes I'm an actress, welcome to FACTS ABOUT MEEE!) and this year has been the year of Pan. I went to see the movie and the local high school do a production of Peter Pan. Last night I went to see a 360° performance of Peter Pan and it was THE COOLEST THING EVER!!! I couldn't imagine performing on that stage ;-;

So my theatre friends and I ate popcorn and spent the night fangirling over how good at stage combat they were and discussed our dreams of singing show tunes and doing an impromptu improv performance for everybody on that stage.

Later at 5:00 in the morning I woke up suddenly with the idea "OMG WAT IF JACK WAS PETER PAN" and decided to write this chapter!


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