Chapter 1 ~ Courage & Crushes

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As usual I was sitting in my parents music factory, where they taught everything they know to young talents. I used to be one of them, but they started before I could walk, so I already knew everything there is to know. But I am actually not that much into music. I prefer reading. So here I was, sitting in a silent corner of the A&A Music Factory and was reading my book. It's my favorite and I read it like five times.

"Honey, don't you wanna join us down there?" Mom asked and sat down beside me "Your dad is teaching the kids some dance moves" "I already know all of them mom" I told her and put my book down. "Come on Sweetie, it will be fun. Dala and Trevor are down there as well" She said and I sighed and got up and went to the practice room and put my book down and followed my mom downstairs. "Look who I convinced to come" She said.

Dala turned around and ran towards me. She was my best friend. She squealed and hugged me "Hey" She said and briely hugged her back, but then let go off her. Sometimes she is even goofier than her dad, but also a lot smarter than him.

"Hey Trevor" I said and we did our handshake "Hey little one" He said and I rolled my eyes. "Aria, would you join me here in the front?" My father asked and I groaned quietly, so he couldn't hear it "See you later guys" I said and went to my dad, who explained to me what I had to do and I nod as soon as I understood everything.

We got in position and he told everyone what to do and they followed our lead.

About 10 minutes later we were allowed to drink something, then the practise continued until it was 5 P.M. Most of the kids were picked up already and Dala, Trevor and I had the couch in the middle of the factory to ourselves.

"You must be totally thrilled to be able to dance with your dad" Trevor laughed, but I hit him in the chest "A no would have been enough" She said with a fake crying voice, holding his chest. "I don't understand why my parents won't get that I am not like them. I'm not a dancer nor a singer yet a songwriter. I might have the talent, but not the will to follow it nor I have the will to tell them" I said, laid back and crossed my arms in front of my chest. "Why can't you tell them?" Dala asked

"When will you tell your dad that you are best student in our grade?" I asked her and she laid far back so she could disappear through the cussions. "Didn't you get it? We are not our parents!!" Trevor started "I have three after school jobs and that since a year without losing it. My mom couldn't even keep one job for an afternoon, except being your parents manager" He said, nodding towards me.

"We are not our parents!!" Dala repeated and just as she had finished the sentence, my parents came over to us. "Whatcha talkin bout?" My mom asked. Sadly she decided that she wants to sound cool, but she sounded embarrassing... for me. "Kids don't talk like that mom" I said and put my hands in front of my face. "Anyways, what are you talking about?" Dad asked. "Nothing. Us" Dala answered a little too fast.

I took a deep breath, before I stood up and looked at my parents "You might wanna sit down for this" I started. "Your not pregnant are you?" Mom asked a little pale as she sat down. "No! Need a boyfriend first for that" I said and took a deep breath "I'm not you" I started, while they looked confused "I'm never going to be an overnight sensation nor a famous singer, dancer, songwriter. I'm just 15 years old and for now I don't care about music. I care about finding myself"

My parents were looking at me. "Aria, but you love music" Dad said and I groaned "You don't ge it!!" I said in a high pitched voice "I'm SICK OF MUSIC!!!" I yelled and stormed out the store. "Wait up Aria!" I heard Trevor yell and soon he caught up to me. He spun me around and I hugged him. "See, that's why I didn't wanna tell them!!" I said and was close to tears as I cuddle my head against the chest. "Give them time! They are the number one couple and number one singers in Miami. They are Mr. and Mrs. Miami, if you wanna see it like this" He said and I looked up at him "What does that make me? Miss Miami?" I asked he laughed. "I can so see you rocking this crown" He said and I laid my head back down on his chest and laughed "Can I spent the night at your's?" I asked him and he looked down on me.

"No problem Ariel" He said and I laughed. Yeah, I had a phase were I had my hair red. That was like a year ago and that's where he gave me the nickname. I don't have a problem with it, I just find it funny.

We went to his place, where we stayed the night. The next morning I took clothes from his little sister, which fit me perfectly. Then we went back to the Music Factory, where Dala was already waiting "Guys!! Danny is here today" She squealed. "Oh my gosh!!" I said and went over to her and we started staring at him. He was tall and dirty blonde. His singing voice was the most beautiful one I have ever heard. His eyes were the dreamiest and his-

"Aria, could you help me over here? I can never figure out how to work this thing" He said and was trying to get the instrument caurosel on. "Gotta go! Heaven wants me to" I said to Dala and hurried over to Danny. I showed him once more how to turn it off and on. "Why can't I remember that?!" He asked. Okay, Danny wasn't the smartest, but he's definitely the hottest and cutest.

"You will one day" I said and we kept the conversation going for a while and I even hid some flirting in it, but he didn't notice that. "Aria, could we talk to you for a sec?" Dad asked and I looked up at Danny. "See you around" I smiled, then walked up the rest of the stairs. I took a deep breath and went into the practise room of Team Austin & Ally. "What's up?" I tried to play cool.

"Close the door please" Mom said and came towards me. I closed the door and then she lead me to the couch and I sat down next to dad, then mom sat down beside me. "We accept you for who you wanna be. It's totally fine if you don't know it yet" Dad said. "You are still figuring things out. We weren't any different your age" Mom said. "If music isn't your calling, we get it. We sad about it, but we can live with it. You are still our daughter. Our favorite daughter" "I'm your only daughter" I laughed and laid my head down on my dad's shoulder.

"So you are okay with me not being a musician or dancer?" I asked. "We are proud of you no matter what you do" Mom said and laid her head down on my shoulder and both hugged me. "We love you" Mom and dad said at the same time. "I love you too" I said and both of them kissed my temples.

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