Chapter 3 ~ Dates & Drama Part 1

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I know that it wasn't right of me to say yes to a date with Morgan, but I couldn't tell him that I like Danny. But maybe it's a good thing. I don't wanna risk Dala's and my friendship because of Danny.

I smiled at him as he left. Maybe I can fall for him. I don't know. I mean he is not uncute.

I was still really confused and in thoughts when I realized my dad just let himself fall on the couch next to me. "Dad?" I asked. "What's up Sweetie?" He said and put an around me. "Back when you were my age, did Megan Simms ask you out?" I asked and looked up at him. "Megan?" He asked laughing "No, she was way too young for me. When I was your age, she was like 10" He explained and held me tight. "So it's not okay to go out with younger people?" I asked. "They have to be your age when you are a teen. So one two years younger or older doesn't matter" He said.

Then he looked me like I was crazy "WHO asked my daughter on a date? Why did you ask me about Megan?!" "I'm going on a date with Morgan" I confessed. "What? I thought you like Danny?" "I'm still a kid, god knows who I like next and when" I said and got up. "I'm gonna go home. Still have some homework to do" I said and walked towards the door "You're so your mother" He laughed. "Maybe I'm making myself some pancakes" I added. "Or not" My dad said as I walked out "If you do make pancakes, leave some for me!!" He yelled as I was at the instrument carousel. "Yes dad!" I yelled and went to the storage room, which was where I dumped my bag this morning.

As I turned around, my mom was looking at me "Homework. Going home" I explained as I threw it over my shoulder. "Okay. Stay Safe honey" She said and kissed my forehead. "I will!" I said and walked to the exit. "Wait up!" Trevor yelled, quickly said goodbye, grabbed his bag and ran after me. "Mine?" I asked and he nod. "I can't wait to cuddle into my huge bed and-" "Do your homework?" He finished the sentence for me and I groaned.

We went to my place and sat down in my bed. We got our school stuff out and started studying. "I hate it to study. I don't know how mom was so good at it" I said and laid back against the wall. "You're mom is Ally Dawson. She's a total brainiac" Trevor said. "And I'm her daughter, so I was supposed to have half of it. But I don't! I have more of my dad's brain, which is a lot smaller than my mom's" I said and looked at him. "You are smart. You just haven't the category yet" He said and I frowned. "You definitely have found your's. You are the smartest person I know" I said and sat back up "I also need to tell you something" I said "Go ahead" "I was asked on a date by Morgan Simms and I said yes" "Wow... I'd never thought that Morgan is your type. Isn't he still in middle school?"

"You forgot we just left Middle School last year" I told him and smiled. "I know, but we are in High School now. We are walking the halls our parents used to walk. It's special. Not everyone has that" Trevor said and I looked at him "Because not everyone stays here when he's grown up" "Will you?" He asked. "Depends. But I will not be happy when I stay here for the rest of my life" I told him "I wanna see the world, just like my parents did" I said and climbed from my bed and walked to the wall with many post cards. "On my parent last tour, where I stayed at your's, they brought me a post card per city. "This one is my favorite" I said and pointed on it. He came over to me and looked at it. "It's from the caribbeans. My dad loved it there, my mom was okay with it. She's not a beach person" I told him. "She lives in Miami"

"Ally Dawson never makes sense and Ally Moon makes less sense" I said and turned around to Trevor. "Are you staying the night? You are good in school, I'm the opposite. Pleeeeaaaseee" I begged and he was already laughing "Sure" "Thanks!" I said and grabbed his arm and pulled him back to my bed.

The next morning and Trevor and I were already on our way to school when we saw Dala get out of the car. Out of Danny's car. "Oh no she didn't!" I almost yelled and wanted to walk to the door's of the bus, but Trevor held me back. "No! You are going out with M. You shouldn't be mad at Dala for riding with Danny" He said and I shook his hand off and hurried out of the bus as soon as it stopped. "DALA!!" I yelled angry. She turned around and looked shocked at me. "What the hell?!" I asked.

"What's wrong?" Danny asked as he turned around as well. "Just talking to my supposed to be best friend, nothing else" I said and just walked pass them. "WAIT UP!" Trevor yelled and ran after me. He caught up with me, but by then I was already in tears. "Hey hey, calm down" He said and pressed me against him. I hugged him shortly and we went inside. He then waited in front of the ladies room until I was finished fixing my make up.

I went back outside, he put his arm around my neck and we went to our lockers, which were next to each other. Luckily Dala's was on the other side of the school. So I didn't have to see her for a while. "Hi Aria" A annoying familiar voice said. I shut the locker close and turned around to see Ben. I faked a smile and looked at him "Hi" I said faking happy.

I used to date Ben. Well, I was on three dates with him back when we were 13. Now he is obsessed with me and can't get over me.

"I wanted to ask if you might wanna give us another chance" He said and I groaned. "I'm sorry Ben, but I have a boyfriend now" I said to let him down easy. "Who is it?" He asked and just in that moment, Devon walked by and I pulled him over to me and lied my hands on his shoulder and placed my chin on them. "This is my boyfriend" I said and he looked at me. "Yeah right, you are dating your best friends cousin" Ben said and I looked at him. "Mind your own business Ben" I said, turned him around and pushed him a bit forwards, so he will leave me alone.

As soon as he was out of sight, Devon looked at me "What was that about?" He asked with a flirting voice. "Ben is obsessed with me like his mom was with my dad. I needed to tell him something, so he will leave me alone" I explained "Would be nice if you would keep playing my boyfriend for a while until I can say that we broke up and I found another one" I said and looked with my puppy eyes at him. "Fine. I'll do it, but you tell me why Dala isn't here with her best friends"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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