Chapter 2 ~ Students & Stars

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"I'm gonna go back downstairs. Need to keep an eye on Danny" I said and walked to the door. "I remember when I was like you. Awe Dallas" She gushed and dad cleared his throught "I mean Austin" She said (she lied), but I know she meant Dallas.

"Yeah... I'm going to be downstairs oh and by the way, dad your dancing students are here. I can see Shay standing down there" I said, before I walked over to the stairs and went to the couch and sat down next to my besties. "My parents and I made up" I told Dala and Trevor happy. "I'm so happy for you Aria" Dala said and shortly hugged me. "Yeah me too Ariel" Trevor said and I lied my head on his shoulder again. It was just so comfortable.

"Hey there girls" Devon, Dala's cousin, said and leaned over the couch. "Get lost Devon" All three of us said at the same time. "Nope, I'm here because mom sent me to get you and uncle Dez" He said and turned to Dala. "I hate family dinner" She said and briefly hugged the both of us, then left with her dad and cousin.

"I feel so sorry for her" I said and he had his arm around me. "Me too, but what can we do? We're not part of the Wade family" "Marry her. Problem solved" I said to him and laughed. "Ha ha really funny. Why don't you marry her?!" He asked and I hit him "Because I'm going to marry Danny" I said to him, quiet enough so no one else could hear it. "Awe, look at the cute love birds" The wanna bee queen of the A&A Music Factory and Marino High School said, then laughed and walked passed us. Followed by her cousin Shay and her best friends Kara and Bella.

Ever since Viola's mother Violet Hayden became a world famous violet virtuso, she thinks she is the best of the best. Just like her mother, Shay is a little insecure and thinks she can never stand up to Viola. Mostly the reason she isn't even trying. Kinda sad. Because she is the best dancer I know and she could be so much more, if she had the courage to do it.

"Ello Aia" The little 3 year old sister of Danny said and I lifted her onto my lap. "Hey little one. Where's your brother?" I asked her and put her down between me and Trevor. "Hi Tatia" Trevor said, but she climbed back onto my lap "Looks like she doesn't like you" I said and grabbed her and got up and carried her to the dancing studio upstairs. I put her down and turned on the music. I watched as she started jumping around. I laughed and then she pulled me on the dance floor with her and we started dancing together. After the song was over and we did the end pose, I jumped when I heard someone clapping. I turned around and removed the hair from my face and was looking into Danny's.

"Hey" I said a little embarressed. "Hi" He said and picked his sister up, who already was standing at his feets. "I think she will be a great dancer one day" I said and smiled at him and turned the stereo out before a new song came on. "Yeah, maybe you should start a children music program here at the music factory" Danny suggested. "I don't think that's possible... We would need someone that is qualified to work and watch kids. My parents can't afford that. All money goes into the school for instruments and helping hands" I said and looked at Tatia, then back up at Danny. "Unfortunately" He said "Well, see you tomorrow" Danny said and left with his sister.

I sighed and leaned against the wall. I tried to catch my breath, since I didn't wanna do that when he was there. As soon as I caught it, I went back downstairs. "Oh hey Minnie. Did nobody tell you that Dez isn't in today?" I asked. "No worries, I got the mail. I'm here to take some pictures for some advertising. The A&A Music Family" She said. "Sound like an Cheetah Beat article" I said. "Funny you are talking about that Sweetie" Mom said and I turned around. "What is it this time!?" I asked annoyed. "An article about the Famous kids" "You mean like Bella, Kara, Shay and Viola?" I asked "Yeah, but also you" "WHAT?! I don't want to be in some stupid magazine because I am the daughter of!" I almost yelled.

"What's going on?" Trevor asked "I'm going to be in Cheetah Beat because I am the daughter of" I said and walked out of the store. "Is this a daily thing now?" I heard Trevor asked, then I heard him walk ater me. "Wait up Aria" He said, but I kept walking. He ran for a short time, then he stopped me. "I hate it to be the daughter of! I just wanna be me. Aria Moon" I said and he put his arm on my shoulder. "You are perfect just the way you are! If it helps, I don't care about who's daughter you are!!" He said and I sighed "I think you and Dala are the only people that think so. Sometimes I think even Danny sees me more as the daughter of Austin and Ally, than as Aria" I said and sat down. "Stop caring so much! Who cares what Danny thinks? He's an idiot if he can't see the real you and how amazing you are" He said and sat down beside me "You always know what to say" I said and hugged him and laid my head down on his chest.

"That's my gift. I'm good at cheering up and I love to do pep talks" He said and smiled down at me. I noticed it, but ignored it. I just liked being close to him. He was my best friend and the best one I ever had.

Later we went back to the Music Factory, where already some famous kids were interviewed. "So, this was the last one. Where is your daughter?" Teen reporter Morgan Simms asked mom. "I don't know" She said. I took a deep breath "I'm here" I said and walked towards them. "Wanna go upstairs or wanna stay down here?" I asked Morgan. "I'd like it a little more quiet, besides I need a great picture of the casual Aria Moon" He said and I nod, then lead him upstairs.

We sat down on the couch and he started asking me the questions

Q: How does it feel like to be the daughter of Austin and Ally Moon?

A: Being their daughter is really hard sometimes, since people expect you to be like them. That gives you a lot of pressure and you start to push yourself in a direction you don't wanna go. I myself am going through this right now. Everyone thinks that I have to be a dancer, singer and songwriter, but that's not what I wanna do right now. I'm still finding out, who I wanna be and that progress can't be pushed or rushed.

Q: What do you do at the Austin and Ally Music Factory?

A: I'm in charge of training new employees and sometimes I join classes. Just yesterday I joined my dad's dancing class. I'm also a helping hand and just help whoever needs help.

Q: How important is family to you?

A: Family is the most important thing in my life. I love both of my parents and also count Trish de la Rosa and Dez Wade as my aunt and uncle. Their kids Trevor and Dala are my best friend and I see them as my brother and sister, since I don't have any.

Q: Would you like to go out with me?

"What?" I asked confused. "Do you wanna go out with me?" Morgan asked again. "You sure? I mean I can be a lot of work" "I know you Aria. I've seen you in school a thousand times and I talked to you more than half the times. I know that you are passionate about everything you do and I want to be part of you world" He said and I blushed. "Okay. It's a date"

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