Prologue (Edited)

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That's it! I can't take it anymore! Artemis thought to herself frustrated with her day of constant teasing and bullying.

She ran up to her room, not caring if her parents saw her anymore with bruises all over, and began to pack up her stuff. It is clear that she was not wanted in Berk due to her not being able to find her own dragon. Besides, her parents are never even there for her to even pay any attention to what is happening to her. She has been bullied and abused by her fellow villagers behind her parents backs and the next generation of Dragon Riders have been constantly teasing her about not being able to have a dragon of her own and participate in the great dragon races. It wasn't her fault that she couldn't find a particular dragon that suited her personality. Blame the dragons that lived on Berk! There seem to be all the species here but one and that one has already been trained by one of their allies.

After finishing packing, Artemis ran towards her window and jumped out of her house before running into the woods to make her getaway in a boat. She had been planning this runaway for quite a while when the bullying and abusing had begun getting too much for her. It is also clear that her parents didn't want her as a daughter since she has never chosen a weapon of their choice but chose an assortment of a few daggers and short swords. They haven't even been talking to her or even paying attention to at all by being too busy with their cheifing duties on Berk. Please, the people of Berk can take care of themselves. Not be babied by Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third and his wife Astrid Hofferson Haddock, Artemis sneered in her mind as she came to a beach at the end of the woods to see a boat layed up on the beach ready for her to use.

Breathing in and out heavily, she ran towards the boat only to have it destroyed, and have herself thrown backwards, by a blast of magnesium fire. Looking up, Artemis saw that it was Stormfly hovering above her but her mother wasn't on her at all. Standing up, she looked at Stormfly with a sad face and showed her bruises to her mother's dragon, who had landed before her after she got up. Stormfly squawked in anger and horror at what the people of Berk did to this child. "Please, I need to leave. To find my own destiny. Please Stormfly, for myself, I'll come back. I promise," begged Artemis with tears running down her face.

Stormfly squawked and lowered herself to allow Artemis to climb onto herself. She was going to take her to a place where she knew Artemis would be cared for and discover who she can be. Artemis smiled and happily climbed onto her mother's saddle and held on tight as Stormfly took off into the sky away from Berk. They had been flying for a few hours before a massive land sight came into view. It was beautiful and almost every dragon species flew around it.

Landing, Stormfly waited for the leader to come forward and allowed her rider's daughter to dismount and take in the beautiful sight. Soon a giant Typhoomerang came forward and asked I am Torch, leader of this tribe away from humanity.

My name is Stormfly, you may know my humans as Hiccup and Astrid. Your original friends who helped you reunite with your mother and you helped them out with a forest fire, replied Stormfly in Dragonese.

Wow, it has been so long. But what are you doing here and why did you bring a human to this island?This girl looks both like Hiccup and Astrid but seems to be different version of them, asked Torch as he observed Artemis happily playing with a group of baby dragons.

That is their daughter and she has been abused on Berk because of her never having a dragon to call her own and doesn't really know what is out there for her. I need you to take care of her until she is deemed ready to return to Berk, Stormfly explained sadly before turning serious.

I will do what I can but how will I contact you to tell you that she is ready? Torch asks unsure since he already grew fond of the child after seeing her play happily with his child.

Send a Terror out to me to tell me that you wish to see me and I will know that she is ready, replied Stormfly before she gently nudged Artemis goodbye.

Artemis already knew all the knowledge of dragons and can already talk to them, thanks to Toothless and Stormfly, and gave Stormfly a hug around the head before letting her go. Stormfly took off back to Berk quickly because she knew her human would be wondering where she was. She wasn't prepared to lye to the dragons on Berk but she wasn't going to tell them the truth of what happened. That would just lead them to Artemis and her parents would find her too early. No, she would just say that she doesn't wish to talk about it and ignore it until they leave her alone with it.

Landing back on Berk, she walked to her stables and was prepared for a few hours nap when she heard Stormfly, where ya been?

Groaning, she looked up and immediately straightened herself saying Hi Alpha Toothless, what brings you here?

Nothing but I know something's going on. Now come on, out with it. What is happening? Toothless orders.

Not being able to resists an Alpha's command, Stormfly told everything she had discovered about Hiccup and Astrid's daughter and begged him not to tell Hiccup about the child's location because the child didn't want to return for a long while. You sure the child is safe and in good hands? Toothless asked unsure if Artemis would be safe on an uninhabited island with dragons.

Yes, our good friend Torch is the leader of that tribe. He promised to take care of her until she is ready to come home with her newfound confidence in who she is, Stormfly said with a promising attitude.

Okay, but if anything happens to our rider's child, it will be on you and if you get a notification about her arrival, alert me at once. You know I care about the child, Toothless reluctantly said with his head down.

I do to Toothless, you know how much I care for her. But this is for the best if she ever wants to survive and live up to her own destiny, Stormfly said reassuringly as she gently nudged Toothless on the head with her own.

Yah, I guess maybe so, Toothless replied sadly already missing his rider's child.

Well, I'm going to get some rest before my rider comes in. So thanks for agreeing with me on this one Toothless, I owe you one, Stormfly said sleepily as she went back to her stable and laid down to catch some rest.

With that Toothless left her alone and stared into the sky, hoping and waiting for Artemis to come home soon.

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