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      AFTER THE MORNING rehearsal with Kelsi, Troy and Dom kept close to each others. Chad and the team had been looking for Troy since this morning since they read the callback list: Dominick Kendrick and Troy Bolton. Troy and Dom walked along the school with their lunch in their plastic trail. "You have really talented when it comes to dance." Troy told her as they walked to the lunch room

"Oh, you haven't seen anything good yet. Just wait till I show you my dance team." Dom told him with a small smirk. 

Troy rolled his eyes at her in a jokingly way. "Should I worry?" He asked her. 

"No." Dom replied, nudging his arm. As they both walked down the stairs they saw a commotion. "Uhh, what happened?" Dom asked Troy, as she put some strands of her hair behind her ear. As they walked down the steps, Chad caught sight of the two of them. 

"You, and you." Chad said, pointing his finger at the both of them. 

"What?" Dom asked him confused. Chad pulled out a pink paper from his pocket and showed it to them. Dom jumped when the the paper was pushed to her face. Dom read the 

"You sing." Chad said to the two of them. Dom nodded at him while Troy stood frozen in the spot next to Dom. Dom rolled her eyes, and took Troy's hand. She started to walk away from Chad with Troy at her side. Before they could go that far, Chad stood again in front of them. 

  "We have to talk." Chad told the team captain of the Wildcats before pulling him away from Dom. Dom looked at Chad confused and walked towards the table in which Sam was already seated. 

Troy looked at Chad confused. "Wait, but Dom..." Troy started, looking towards Dom who was taking a seat next to Kelsi and Sam. 

"What's going on here?" Ms.Darbus said, looking at the annoyed Sharpay. 

Sharpay let out a small indignet squeal. "Look at this! That Grabiella girl just dumped her lunch on me! On purpose. She is evil, just like her friend Dominick! They want to ruin the musical. It's all part of the plan." Sharpay told the teacher, pointing at Grabiella and at Dom. Sam shared an amused look with Dom. "And Troy and his basketball robots are obviously behind it. Why do you think they auditioned? After all the hard work you put in this show." The blonde said, using her fake concerned voice. Dom rolled her eyes at Sharpay. "It just doesn't seem right." She muttered before walking away. 

"What's up?" Troy asked, turning back at Chad.

Chad scoffed at him. "What's up? Oh, let's see. You missed free-period workout to audition for a heinous musical. And now suddenly people are confessing. Yeah, and Zeke. Zeke is baking créme brûlée." Chad told him, pointing at Zeke. 

Troy turned to his team mate excited to know what he baked. "Oh, what's that?" Troy asked him. 

"Oh, a creemy custard with a caramelized surface." Zeke explained. 

"Shut up, Zeke." Chad told his team mate.  "Look, do you see what's happening here, man? Our team is coming apart because of your singing thing." Chad told Troy, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Even the drama geeks and the brainiacs suddenly think that they can talk to us." Chad said. Chad looked over his shoulder, and Troy followed his eyes. "Look, the skater dudes are mingling." Chad added. 

"Yo." The skater said to Troy and Chad. Troy waved back at him with a polite smile. 

Chad pushed Troy so that he will seat down on the table. "Suddenly people think that they can do other stuff. Stuff that's not their stuff." Chad told Troy. Troy rolled his eyes at him and continued to eat his lunch. "They got you thinking about show tunes when we got a playoff game next week." Chad added. 

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