1- Hometown Glory

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Kenyamo POV....

I laid down after I got off the phone with Taylon. I'll really miss being here but I knew I couldn't stay away from home for much longer. I didn't even consider that place home it got so bad I ran from it. The only person that gave me happiness was my mother. I worshipped her and now I have to go back and help take care of her.

All because my dumb and irresponsible ass cousins couldn't even do it. They wait until my mother is damn near on her death bed to call me for help. I can't stand they asses for nothing they always treated me like shit. The only good person was my mom that kept me right by her as much as she could.

I went to sleep because I had to catch the greyhound bus back home. I didn't have enough money to get a plane ticket to go home because my aunt only sent me enough to get a bus ticket. I was grateful to get that with her bipolar ass. I don't want to go home it's like so many bad things happened.

I have a few friends I abandoned back home to move out here. The only person I've told that I was out here was my mom. She told my siblings I was out here because she needed me so that's how my whereabouts came known to the family.

The Next Day....

I woke up to Ariana Grande x Break Free blasting through my room. I stretched and turned it off. I got up from my bed and tried to get myself ready for what I was going to deal with on this day. I had an early bus so it was a must to get dressed as soon as possible.

I went to take my shower and brush my teeth. I got out and dried off my body and applied my lotion on my body. I was moving like a snail because I wasn't in the mood to go back home. My phone was ringing and my sister Kassidy. I hated this bitch and people knew we didn't like each other for nothing. We went through alot when we was growing up and she blames me for it all.

"Yes Kassidy"I said gloomy because I didn't care to hear her. She had her ratchet music playing in the background and she was screaming hello multiple times. I hung up the phone because she can get her life together and call me back. I started putting on my boxer briefs and socks when she called me back.

"Kassidy yes" I said with an attitude. She turned down her music. "Listen here don't hang up on me you jackass now when will I need to pick your ungrateful ass up from the bus station before I change my mind" she said with her ratchet ass voice. Oooh this is one of the reasons I didn't want to be home she playing nice probably because momma made her be nice.

"Umm I'm about to leave now and I'll be there at 2" I said standing up and picking out my outfit of the day. It was basic as hell just some blue jean joggers and a white shirt with some high top Nikes. I know its basic but I'm tired as fuck and I don't want to go on top of that I have zero people to impress so fuck them hoes.

"Alright well since your probably going to be late just text me and I'll be on my way towards the bus station" she said and hung up the phone. She so fucking rude and disrespectful just going to hang up the phone before I could give an okay. I threw my phone on the bed and sighed in frustration.

I put on my outfit and sprayed on some cologne. I grabbed my bags and I planned on being back at home for as long as my mom needed me to be here. I checked out my whole apartment before leaving. I made sure I didn't leave any essentials and I didn't so I was good. I grabbed my bags and walked out of my apartment. I locked up and went downstairs and hailed a cab. After I loaded my stuff in the cab I told the cab driver to take me to the bus station.

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