Chapter 1 ~ Clearwater

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"Please dad! Let me go! Your going to brake all my bones."
It was the Seawing, Clearwater, first day at Jade Mountain Academy, and she was super exited. She was determend to make some friends, and learn history and stuff like that. But the only way she could do all that was if her dad, Seal, would stop hugging her.
"Sorry, sorry. I guess I was just going to have to give you years worth of hugs."

"Dad, I'll be fine. It's not like your never going to see me again. You can visit and stuff, and I promise to write." Clearwater just wanted to go in.

"OK, but remember what I said. Don't talk to strangers, and be careful with others. Don't eat anything that looks like it was poisoned. And most importantly, don't tell anyone your secret. Not even your closets friends! If they find out what you can do, they might us you. And I might never be able to see you again!" Seal started to cry as he shakes her as if to get all the words buried in her mind, starting to cry.

"Dad!!!" Clearwater yells at him, even though she would have liked to comfort him, but she didn't want to look like a softy on her first day. She was a warrior after all. Fighting 6 battles, and killing almost 12 Mudwing warriors. That was a lot for a dragonet her age.

"OK!!" With a tear in his eye and one last hug, Seal was just a dot in the sky. Relived, Clearwater walked into the academy. The entrance cave was big enough to fit 40 full grown dragons comfortably.

"HELLO!!!!" Clearwater jump hearing a voice but not being able to see where it came from. As she landed, by instinct, she got into her battle stance. Then a black dragon melted out from the shadows. She had silver scales on her eyes, like tear drops, and more around her ankle.

"I'm Fatespeaker!" OK. Clearwater thought, anilising. Loud, but none threatening.

"Hi? Do you know what we're supposed to do when we get here." She hated asking questions, but he dad told her that the more questions you ask the more you learn. And she loved leaning. Well, to be honest, she loved leaning how to be better then everyone.

"YAAAY! You come to me, and I give you a map of the school, welcome scrolls and schedule, then I tell you where your sleeping cave is!!!"

"O...k, can I have them then?"
"What's your name?"
Fatespeaker rummaged through a bag that she had hung around her neck.

"Here you are! Your sleeping cave is down the second hall, 3rd cave to the left." She said with a smile.

"Thank you."

Clearwater walked down the second hall, and found her sleeping cave. When she walked in there was a pool of what seemed to be salt water, a pile of sand and a pile of leaves. "I don't need all these." She muttered to herself. "All I need is the pool of water. Why are these here?" All of a sudden, someone starts yelling in the hall.

"Look!" Someone yelled. "It's a Sandwing! Look at his muscles!"

"Look at his scare!" Someone else yelled.

"Looks normal to me." Someone mumbled. Clearwater was just about to dive into her pond of salt water when something warm came into the cave.

"Hello?" Someone said from behind her. Clearwater turned around slowly to find a Sandwing standing behind her.

"What are you doing in my cave?" Clearwater asked him calmly, but on the inside, her mind was yelling at her to to attack.

"Hi, I'm Keeper. Nice to meet you too." He mumbled, giving her a look.
"You didn't know?" The sandwing asked with a chuckle. "You have to share a cave with another dragon. They also made these groups. Theres a dragonet from every kingdom in each one. Oh, what are they called?!? Oh! I think there called winglets. What are you called."
"Clearwater, Sea Kingdom." Though his eyes widened slightly, he flipped open one of his scrolls and checked the paper.
"Hmmm. I think your in my winglet."
Clearwater checked her own.


Skywing- Embers 
Seawing- Clearwater 
Sandwing-  Keeper
Mudwing- Marshland
Nightwing- Starshine
Rainwing-  Owl
Icewing- Blizzard

"Looks like you were right. So would you mind if I take the pond?" She said, tocking the scroll bad into her bag.
"Go for it. I don't really care for water."
Clearwater thought for a second.
"So if your a Sandwing, that means you would want the sand pile."
Keeper noded.
"And if you want the sand pile, who will sleep on the leaves?"
"We must have a Rainwing." And as Keeper said this, a Rainwing pocked her head in. She had blue and purple scales that were laced with green.
"Hello?" She said in a small, nervous voice. When she sees them, she gives a shy smile and says, "I'm Owl. Is this the right cave?"
"I think so?" Clearwater said in a gentle voice as to not scare the nevouse dragonet.
Owl smiled. "Then you must be Keeper and Clearwater."
"Yeah. I'm Clearwater and this is Keeper."
"It nice to feet you. I mean it's mice to meet you. I mean... never mind." Keeper said with a sigh and he stalked over to his bed.

But Owl got the point and laughed. "It's nice to meet you to. Know if you'll excuse me, I'm very tired and would like to get some sleep." Then she walk over to the leaves and fell asleep.

      Clearwater walked over to Keeper and lied beside him, curling her tail around her front claws.
"What was that? You acted like you... like her?"
"NO!" Said Keeper. Then he paused to think. "Weeellllll, ok mabey." Clearwater stared him down. "What!?!" Yelled Keeper.
"I don't know. It look like you really like her! And she's in our winglet, so you'll get to know her!!!!" Clearwater said teasingly.
Kepper looked down at the ground and smiled.
"Ok, so mabey I like her. But I just met her, so how am I supposed to know."  He snarled.
"Whatever. You better get some sleep. We have a long day tomorrow."

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