Chapter 3 ~ Owl

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Why did I come... he seems nice... just want to sleep... hope Banana ' s here...
Owls thoughts were all over the place. She couldn't keep her mind on one thought. All she wanted to do was sleep and wait for the morning when she had her first class. But in the back of her mind she thought.
He seems nice. When she thought he, she was pretty sure she meant Keeper. But why. She know them for...actually she didn't know them at all. As soon as she got in the room, she went right to sleep.
Well, I'll get to know him tomorrow. She thought to herself, cheerfully.
Clearwater seemed nice to. Owl might be shy, but she was know set on becoming friends with the small Seawing.
Owl woke up to Clearwater and Keeper whispering. They looked her way and Clearwater smile.
"Your awake!" She said cheerfully. "Come on! We have to get to class! The first gong went off already."
She walked out the door and disappeared in the sea of students. Keeper followed her, Owl particlie walking on his tail.

Clearwater walked down one of the lighter halls. Small, colorful jars hung from the ceiling, lighting the path. A small cave sat at the end of the hall. It was filled with painting stands and blocks of clay. The shelves were filled with paint supplies, inc pots and sheets of paper. Sunny sat at the front of the class. The trio sat down at the front of the class. A Nightwing and Mudwing walked into the room. They sat behind the small group.
"Hey." Keeper said, turning around.
"Hi." The Nightwing said. "I'm Starshine and this is my roommate, Marshland."
"Cool." Keeper noded. "I'm Keeper. This is Owl and Clearwater."
As they all said hi to each other, a Skywing and Icewing stalked in.
"OK students!" Sunny said. "Everyone is here, so let's start by introducing ourselves. I'm Sunny, I'm one of the Dragonets of Destiny, and my mom is the new Queen of the Sandwings. Ok, know one of you go."
The Skywing stood up and cleared his throat.
"I'm Embers, I'm a Skywing..."
Beside Owl, Keeper snorted." No duh." He mumbled.
Embers glared at him and continued. "And when Queen Scarlet ruled, I was ubsest with studing Seawings."
Owl looked over at Clearwater and watched as her eyes widened. Poor Clearwater. She thought. She's gonna have a hard time with this.
Embers sat down and the Icewing stood up. "I'm Blizzard and I hate everyone."
He sat down.
They went through the rest of the class went and they got to art. "Damn it!!" Clearwater growled as she spilled paint on her claws. "I can't get this!"
Embers inched his way closer to her, but Keeper step in front of him.
"Here." He said, handing her a cloth. She wiped her claws off.
"You'll get it, Clearwater." Owl said looking at the painting Clearwater had done. She winced, seeing the mess of paint on the canvas.
"See!? I'll never get this!" Clearwater shouted.
"Here, I'll show you."

~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~(because I feel like it, and due to the fact that I've already run out of ideas 😂)

Owl, Clearwater and Keeper wandered down the halls of the academy. All their classes were finished, and they had a few hours till they had to be in their sleeping caves. Keeper and Clearwater were laughing at a joke he had made about Embers.
"Oh, come on, Owl! That was funny!" Keeper said, nugging her wing with his. She smiled.
"I gueessss." She dragged out and Clearwater started laughing. Keeper stared at her, mouth opened.
"What?" Owl asked.
"You just used sarcasm." He said.
"Three moons, she did!!" Clearwater shouted, jumping in between the two and threw her wings over them. She started laughing at Keeper, who's mouth still hung open. Owl giggled, and Keeper started laughing, too. They continued to walk down the halls, till they turned a conner and saw the darkest blue pond Owl had ever seen. Clearwater ran over, giggling all the way and jumped into the water, splashing Keeper as he walked towards the sand bar. Owl skipped over to a rock over looking the pond. She watched as Clearwater splashed around. Light flickered through the opening in the wall. She could hear wing beats outside. Clearwater ' s head snapped up.
"I know your there, mise well show yourself." She called out. Slowly and with a cocky smile on his face, Embers flew in through the hole. Keeper stood up and stalked over towards him. Clearwater came out of the water.
"Are you stalking me or something?!" Clearwater shrieked, flaring her wings at him.
"No." He said in a cocky way. "I'm just flying around the school and happened to hear you splashing around."
Keeper glared at him, stepping forwards. Owl jumped in front of him.
"This isn't your fight." She whispered, as Clearwater stepped forwards.
"Are you sure you want to mess with me?" She spat at him.
He shrugged. "Your a female Seawing, you can't do anything to me."
If looks could kill, Embers would be dead. Clearwater stood taller.
"I'll have you know that I've kill 12 Mudwing ' s in 6 battles."
"Big whop." Embers smirked. Is he trying to make her mad? Owl thought, and from the look Keeper gave her, he was thinking the same thing.
"Clearwater, let's go." Keeper said. Clearwater turned to him, "Now!" He said again.
She trotted over, shot a look at Embers, and wisked out the door.
The two others followed, but before they were out of ear shot, Embers yelled, "This is not the end of this, Seawing!" And cackled at his own insain joke.
Moons. This is gonna be a long year.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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