Chapter 2

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I can finally move. A heavy weight was lifted off me, as if a large barrier was pressed against me has finally been taken off. I was trapped without barriers, strange. I have to get out of this fucking place, I mumble to myself, it's too hard to live within the arms of this house. I run to the room I call my own and pack every belonging I have into a garbage bag, turns out my belongings consist of black jeans, white shirts, one million dollars that was left behind by my parents, and that stupid rocking horse that I couldn't seem to let go of.

I run to the front door, and try and step out into the outside world, suddenly, a huge force comes in contact with me, I push against it, but I can't get through that front door. I struggle against it even more, my arms are suddenly beginning to be covered in bruises, I feel a tightness around my neck, a massive asphyxiation bruise appears, yet I still resist against it. I break through the barrier and stumble onto to the dull brown grass, I collapse onto it in an abundance of severe pain. I look out at the dreary road, two girls were riding their bicycles and they looked at me and giggled and murmured to themselves, "he done nothing to impress us," I wasn't trying to you illiterate swines I thought to myself.

I sat there for a while, watching pretty girls walk past me, I try delivering a greeting but the moment my eyes meet with their chest my voice breaks and I sound like an idiot. I'm usually really articulate, but since my mother and father left me, I haven't interacted with the outside world since then, and, to be honest, I was never planning to. I get up off my ass and decide to go on. I start running and running and running.

I don't know how long I've ran for, a few hours at the least. I finally stop underneath a tree and realise that I'm out of town, I had travelled 25 kilometres, that's far enough for today. For now, sleep is all I need.

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