Chapter 13

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As soon as I stepped outside I spotted August. He was on the phone leaned up against a dark grey Range Rover. I've never seen the truck before and was curious as to who it belonged to. As soon as August noticed me heading his way he ended his phone call rather abruptly and it only made annoyed me. I would have commented on it but I didn't say a word because I doubt that he would tell me anything.

"You look gorgeous," he kissed my cheek and handed me the red rose he was holding in his hand.

"Thanks," I smiled. He opened up my door and helped me in and once I was settled in he closed my door for me and headed over to the driver's side. While he did that I looked around the truck and couldn't help but notice the new car smell. The thing look brand new and had several upgrades I'm sure didn't come equipped with the standard factory truck

"Whose car is this," I asked August once he was settled in and put the car in park.


I was surprised at that, "Since when?"

"Since this morning, you like it?"

I shrugged, "It's your car, and you're the one that's going to be riding around in it not me," with that I turned around in my seat and gazed out the window as we arrived to our destination.

We arrived at Mace's restaurant and when we pulled up to the front, the valet opened the door for me and me and August made our way inside. Once we were seated, we ordered and the conversation was dull to say the least. He would ask me a question and I would answer but he already knew what was going on with me so there wasn't much for me to talk about.

"You good," he asked me.

"Yes," I nodded, "Thanks for taking the time to take me out."

"You make it seem like you a burden to me."

I shrugged, we were having an okay time and I didn't want to start anything so I sipped my tea from my glass and sat it back down.

He sighed, "I got to tell you something."

I looked him over and the expression he had on his face. I just knew whatever he had to say I wasn't going to like. I should have known he had some kind of ulterior motive when he asked gave me his black card and told me to get dolled up.

"What is it," I sighed thinking the worst.

"I love you."

I waited for him to continue what he had to tell me but he didn't, instead the somber look on his face was replaced with a smile.

"Is that what you had to tell me?"

"You don't love me," he asked ignoring my question and asking one of his own.

"You know I love you August."

His smile grew even more, "But I really got to tell you something and I don't know how you gonna take it."

"Stop bullshitting and just tell me already."

"I got to head out of town."

That wasn't the worst news he could of given me but it still was news I didn't want to hear right now. It was bad enough he has been in and out the house for the last few weeks but now he was leaving for real.

"How long," I asked.

"I leave tomorrow afternoon and should get back Saturday morning at the latest."

I sighed but kept my mouth closed, if I didn't have an appetite before I definitely didn't have one now.

"You don't got nothing to say," he asked after we sat in silence for a few minutes.

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