781 47 13

YaBoyK😎💍 is typing..

we fell off really bad

ItsMarii😛💖 is typing..

ik and i don't even know what happened

ItsMarii😛💖 is typing..


YaBoyK😎💍 is typing..

no I am I shouldn't have went away for a week

ItsMarii😛💖 is typing..

shut up Kalin I just over exaggerated

YaBoyK😎💍 is typing..

how have you been?

ItsMarii😛💖 is typing..

good I guess, hbu?

YaBoyK😎💍 is typing..

good. but it could've been better if I still had u in my life

ItsMarii😛💖 is typing..

well here I am

YaBoyK😎💍 is typing..

don't leave again..

ItsMarii😛💖 is typing..

I won't

YaBoyK😎💍 is typing..

promise me

ItsMarii😛💖 is typing..

I promise


I think this end.. Like I have no more ideas for the story anymore so I'm just gonna end it here! Thanks for reading and voting and commenting!!!💖

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