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Spirit is legendary, yet very little have it.

It is also known that it can be taken over.

Both are true

The youngster know as Dusky
Is a horrible person. He robs stores everyday, beats on random people, and enjoys pissing on the sleeping homeless...

That last one was quite Fucked U-I mean- one day he robbed a corner store. After tranquilizing the people inside,he sprints to the counter to grab the owners keys out of his pocket and locks the store doors. Dusky then proceeds to run to the back to take whatever he wanted. His favorite items included:



Tropical Fantasy

...and other namebrands I shouldn't mention due to Ceist and Desist / Copyright reasons.

After fitting 1/3 of the stores candy and drinks into his pockets, he hears a 'Thud'.
He goes behind the store counter to see where the noise came from.


All signs point towards the basement of the store.

Upon entrance, Dusky is greeted with a trail of glowing wax. Being the noisy prick he is he follows the trail. He hits a fork in the trail where there are two paths. He decides to go right. The path ended up being
The same as the last ; two paths. This time, He goes left.
This was the same but this time it had a black picture at the end of the hall, illuminated with wax. Dusky suddenly gets a sudden drop of personality, with a chill up his spine.

Suddenly, he hears glass shatter back in the store and multiple voices shouting in unison, "This is the Police! If anyone is there, come towards us slowly.

Dusky hears multiple footsteps going down the same steps he did. Dusk starts to sprint through different pathways, avoiding the police at all cost. The faster he ran the more the pictures changed from blood rising from eyes to demented people with unnatural and unattractive features. He ran

And ran...

And ran...

And ran...

Did I mention that he ran?

Dusky meets a door at the end of the corridor. He bursts into the door. All that was in there was a teddy bear on a chair repeating the words "teddy live!". As soon as dusk turns around, he spots the police coming down the hall. A stubborn cop decides to shoot down the hall. Dusk ends up dodging the bullet that enters the fluffy skull of the teddy bear. Time freezes. Everything stops... Except for dusk, who is now in a dark room...

The Silence grows larger... and larger...

And as soon as Silence reached its maximum he hears the words
JrjridjrdjdigjfjdjdjhdjdjdjdjnddbbdhhdhfHDHDYddet Evil HEJEJDJ JDJRHDHDJFJDJSJDGDDJDIJDJDJDHHDI


and then

It stops

He wakes up on a park bench
Dusk touches his belly...that apparently has grown mass fur. In fact he seemed a little bit fluffy and small. He couldnt feel his heartbeat...

The following is caused by the CURSE OF THE YDDET


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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