Chapter Eighteen

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Five Years Later...

I will never say that it was easy. That would be the biggest understatement in all of eternity. However, I will never consider my decision to leave Liverpool a mistake. Five years ago when I first came here, I was only fifteen. I had to finish school, find a job, find somewhere to live. Luckily, I met a man the day after I arrived who offered to house me if I would work in his store. That man's name is Brian Epstein and to this day I still live above the record shop he runs and I still work there. I finished school without a hitch and now spent my days working in the shop full-time, which offered a much better salary than the one I was making when I worked part-time after school. Brian, as I had grown to call him over the years, hadn't been around much during the day any more. I heard he had been seen down at The Cavern on Matthew Street, but I would just have to ask him the next time he came into the store. It was now September of 1962 and the weather was beginning to turn cooler as fall was approaching. Customers were coming in, buying records or just browsing, and I sat behind the counter flipping through magazines or organizing the stock. Suddenly, I heard the bell above the door ring violently and footsteps hurrying up to the counter. I looked up just in time to see Brian skidding to a stop.

"Oh, Prudence! I've done it!" He exclaimed, waving his hands about.

"Congratulations, Brian! Now, what exactly have you done?"

"I've became the manager of the band and they've just gotten a record deal with George Martin over at Parlophone!"

"That's amazing! Congratulations, Brian!"

"Thank you, Prudence. I know they're going to make it big, they're bloody fantastic! That's why I need you!"

"Me? For what, Brian?"

"I want you to be their assistant!"

"Their assistant?"

"Yes! Well, you'd be helping me more than them in the beginning, but once they go on tours and such you would get to go! Help them with their suits and such, get them what they need, make sure all is well, help me with paperwork-"

"I get it, Brian!" I cut him off.

"So, will you?"

"Will I be getting paid the same I am now?"

"For now, yes. But if they make it big, I can assure you will be making much more than you do now."

I thought it over, weighing my options. Stay here at the store forever, or take a chance and possibly get to travel the world.

"I'll do it."

"That's wonderful! We must go meet them at the studio now!" Brian began to hurry out of the door.

"Who's going to run the store?"

"Just close it for today! I'll find someone to take over for you tomorrow!"

With that, Brian hurried me into his car and off we went to the studio, wherever that would be.


We arrived at the studio within several minutes and Brian ushered me out of the car and into the studio.

"These boys might seem intimidating at first, but they're really fab, I promise."

"Don't worry, Brian. I've been around bands before. I know how they are."

I thought about the time spent with Paul, John, and George when I was back in Liverpool, but I tended to push those thoughts away. I rarely thought of them ever. If I was thinking about my parents, I would vaguely think of Paul and how he turned my thoughts around, but that was it. I was ready for yet another fresh start and I was hoping this would be it.

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