Chapter 3

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The next day I woke up at 9:00 and checked my phone. I had 2 tweets, 4 texts and one Instagram notification. I went on twitter first. The first one was from Sam.

@sampottorff: had fun meeting @maggiedunham yesterday at the mall!! :D

There was a picture attached of us making weird faces.

The other one was from Kian.

@kianlawley: great time with @maggiedunham and @lillywoodums yesterday!!! :P

I laughed and retweeted both. Then I went on Instagram. I was tagged in a picture with Sam.

There was a picture of me and Sam that Kian took. We were laughing.

"GREAT TIME MEETING @maggiedunham and @lillywodums YESTERDAY!" San had captioned. I smiled and commented ":)". Next I checked my texts.

From Lillersss:)

I had so much fun yesterday! I really like Kian... Shh! Don't tell! ;)

From Kean Da BeannXD

So much fun yesterday! Wanna go to the beach at 11?

From Sammers:P


From Sammers:P

WAKE UP!! IM SO BORED! Beach @ 11 with Kian?

To Lillersss:)


To Kean Da BeannXD

yes! Sounds great!

To Sammers:P

I'm uppp! Beach sounds good! See ya then!!

I text everyone back and jump into the shower. When I got out I changed into my coral bikini with white polka dots. I slipped on a lace crop top and some soft cotton shorts as a cover up. I straightened my hair because I would probably be going in the water and put on some makeup. When I was ready it was 10:50 so I ran downstairs and grabbed a towel, sunblock, sunglasses, my phone and $20. Then someone knocked on the door.

"Hello handsome." I said opening the door to see Sam.

"Hello beautiful." He said giving me a hug. Fireworks again.

"LEGGO TO THE BEACH!!!" I yelled pulling away.

"Excited little girl, aren't yah?" He laughed.

"YES!!" I yelled.

"Oh yah, the rest of the O2L members are gonna be there." He said walking from the doorstep. I sat down in the grass.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked me.

"Imma fangirl hold on." I said and screamed.

"A WHOLE BUNCH SEXY GUYS OHEMGEE!" He screeched. I cracked up rolling around in the grass.

"Okay let's go." I said getting into his car. We drove to the beach and found Kian who had picked up Lilly.

"Hey Kian." I said hugging him.

"Hey mags." He said letting go. "Let's go in the water!!" He yelled.

"Let's go!" Yelled Lilly. I pulled off my shirt and shorts and ignored Sam's eyes searching my body. I sprayed on some sunblock and went to the edge of the water. All if the sudden I felt hands around my waist and I was in the water.

"SAMUEL POTTORFF!" I yelled. I jumped on his back and splashed him. He pushed me off and stood up. I looked at him. His shirt was off and man, he had abs. He flicked his hair to the side and said "ima get you!" I laughed.

"No! You're not gonna get me SAM!" I yelled, sticking my tongue out. He jumped in the water, splashing me. After being in the water for a little bit we got out and dried off. I laid in the sand and closed my eyes. I soon heard a lot of voices. I opened my eyes and screamed. It was all of O2L! I jumped up.

"Everybody, this is Maggie Dunham." Sam said, gesturing towards me.

"Oh, we know." Said a boy with dark hair hidden under a beanie.


"Yes I am!" He laughed and hugged me. I soon was greeted by all the boys. I then walked away. I sat in the sand and curled up into a ball. Jc came over.

"Why did you leave?" He asked, sitting next to me.

"I think if I was with all of you for one more minute I would pass out." I said completely serious.

Jc laughed. "Let it out." he said and I screamed.

"Okay, I'm good." I stood up and ran over to the boys.

"Do you wanna go to Starbucks?" Connor asked.

"YESSS!" I said.

"Someone hold her weave, she is outta here!" Ricky yelled. Everyone laughed and we got in two cars and headed to Starbucks. I ordered a mocha cookie crumble. Connor payed for everyone.

"Thanks con." I said sipping on my coffee.

"Anything for you." He said.

All I could think was: What A Day.


Do you guys like it?? I'm having fun writing it. I ship SAMMAG hard. (I can't think of a ship name😂😂 comment ideas)

Well I'm gonna go.


(Ending idea to @kissmenialler13 read her Sam fanfic now!!)

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