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Hey guys! So this is my first real fiction that I will actually write out and not just leave in my head and write out mentally(lol). I've had some really good fanfictions that I wrote out in my head, but then I always forget them all *tear runs down face at thinking at all the fanfictions that could have been shared* This fanfiction is a mesh between Attack On Titan and Sword Art Online. What if the Attack On Titan characters were thrown into the story-plot of Sword Art Online? In the views of Eren and Mikasa. Well I hope you guys like it!



The bright blue of the sky shone in all it's glory as a girl with flowing black, shiny hair quickly opened the door to her household and closed the opening soundlessly.

"Tadaima," she said quietly, slipping her brown coloured boots off and setting her schoolbag precisely on the designated hook.

A midnight black cat donning piercing blue eyes leapt from a counter left of the welcome mat, where the girl had set her shoes down, and silently ran to his master. The girl petted the purring creature that winded between her bare legs and then walked slowly towards her dark comforting room, careful not to trip over the pushy feline.

"Food's in the 'fridge, get some when you're ready," she heard her foster dad call out. The girl hummed in reply and shut her room door, taking off her stuffy uniform containing a white button-up undershirt, tan coloured vest, belt and leg straps, and a tight dark brown miniskirt.

Meanwhile, her cat balanced on the ledge supporting the one open window, which looked out over the calm green of the lush pastures of grass and large lake that kept an enormous amount of thick trunked pines at bay. This pretty landscape was bordered with the girl's crimson velvety curtains, the rose-like patterns on the material flowing consistently in the same heartfelt peacefulness as the real life picture.

"Kuro Koori! Get off the window this instant! You're going to fall down and be blown into that far away lake, and get wet from all that water!" The girl said in mock horror.

The black feline turned his head quickly at the sound of his least favorite word, water, and shivered at the thought of being drenched in that soggy lake liquid. Then blinking his ice-blue eyes twice to compose himself, he pushed off with his powerful haunches to land squarely on his masters' soft comforter, the one he solely called his territory. Kuro Koori curled up in a fuzzy sleek ball until the only thing that a person could see from that mass of black fur was a crystal of an eye.

His master threw on her favorite red t-shirt that was found in her organized closet, snatching a few things here and there.

The girl reached her bed and flopped down on it, sighing, a piece of elaborate headgear in hand, which she had had for nearly seven years.

It was her life, this thing named the Amusphere.

Her only connection to the one she had lost to this other world, which she had joined only two fast years ago.

She had to find him.

But now, she needed to focus on the job she wanted to complete.

A few moments passed at her staring at the Amusphere, reliving past memories. Shaking her head just to come to reality, the girl jumped up and plugged the device in and slipped the gear over her head.

Whirs and beeps could be heard as the virtual-reality machine started up.

"Link Start!"

Heh heh, so that's the intro for now, people. Yep I am obsessed with cats, but my OC cat, Kuro Koori, whose name means Black Ice, really has no significant meaning yet in this story. Keyword: YET. And you have probably guessed who the girl is, hmm? Lol, review if you do!

The Red Scarf - Attack on Titan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now