Chapter 1- His Acquaintance

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Hi minna! This is the first chapter of The Red Scarf! Sorry I haven't been able to type up this part so quickly. Yesterday, I was sparring(I have mentioned in my profile that I do martial arts) and dislocated my shoulder(AGAIN). This has been an ongoing injury for a year now, probably even more than that. I have done physical therapy for my shoulder, but I quit because it was cutting into my homework time. Icing my shoulder is the best I can do for now :( It even hurts to type, since if I put downward pressure on my shoulder, it feels like my arm wants to dislocate again. But I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter, written out in great pain! :P


Admin: Kirito-kun, come with me!

Kirigaya: No! I belong to Senpai Reki! Go ask Eren!

Eren: Nope! I am owned by Mikasa! She thinks that she's my mom!

Mikasa: -_-

Mikasa: No, Eren. Both of us belong to Senpai Hajime!

Admin: Aww... But whateves! I still get to write about you guys!

He was running towards an abandoned building which sported a sign that announced Thrift Shop, and in smaller words Gunpowder below it. Jumping through a shattered window, his eyes fell upon the stacked supplies of gunpowder. There was no one there to take the shops' orders from. He knew it. This was a trap. But he was an expert at getting the job done; that's why the high officials hired him in the first place. He was surprised that no one had raided the unattended store yet- maybe the sign was so straightforward that no one had dared to enter the tattered infrastructure. The boy scouted the area, his brown locks falling into a pair of intense green-blue orbs. A proud forest green cape that signified unison with a top guild fluttered loosely behind him as his sharp eyes picked up signs of deadly weapons. Hopping around the area carefully avoiding the oil lathered spots, he deactivated several bombs placed around the shop. He then turned off the intricate ambush weapons that were lying in the shadows, waiting stealthily for their victim to fall and be swallowed up in unwashable gas grease. Once deeming that no soul was spying on him in the area, the brunette drew a black rectangular object from his breast pocket, which he brought to his mouth and pressed one of the many tiny labelled buttons. Hearing static on the other end, the young teen began to speak.

"Jeaguar, reporting to duty. Square tile number 348 is clear. Please inform Squad Seven that I will be contacting them shortly."

"Roger that, Captain."

The individual representing that supposed name Jeaguar smiled quickly as he heard one of his trainees over the handheld transceiver. He waited for a moment so that the base could inform the squad he wanted. Then, switching his calloused fingers over another round button, this one with a label that announced Sq 7, he downed pressure on it.

"Squad Seven, report to duty."

"Squad Seven reporting to duty, Captain. What is it that you need, Sir?"

"Please bring an empty supply cart from Station 21 to Square tile number 348. A gunpowder site has been found. That is all for now."

"Yes, Sir. We will be there in approximately twenty-eight minutes."

"Copy that."

He turned off the device and returned this back to his pocket. After securing the building and area with his guild badge, the Survey Corps, Jeaguar left the store, hopping on one of the camouflage designed motorcycles parked in a straggly row. He knew for a fact that nobody was within a 10-mile radius besides the incoming pickup squad filled with trainees,whose goal was to collect the shop materials in a safe environment. Zooming towards the city center at top speed, Jeaguar passed several gamboling and practice shooting arenas as well as well furnished stores that advertised advanced professional gamers playing this virtual reality game, like his Commander Dot Pixis, one of the high ranking officials that had asked Jeaguar to join one of the three top guilds consisting of the Garrison, Military Police Brigade, and Survey Corps, which he was apart of. Jeaguar could be considered one of the advanced, but not professional, gamers. He was accepted into this virtual world, Gun Gale Online(GGO), by an older man by the real name of Hannes. This senior was Jeaguar's uncle in real life and had introduced virtual gaming to the boy while he was still young. Starting out with a mild killing game tutorial called Forest Run Online(FRO), the brunette had learned the basics of gaming virtually and also acquired many friends from across Japan. Jeaguar went by another avatar name in that world than his current one in GGO. In FRO, he was part of a squadron whose sole purpose was to wipe out monsters named Titans that were very unpredictable. There were two kinds of Titans- typical and deviant. The typical Titans were easier to assassinate than the deviant type, which are also referred to Aberrants. Once a player killed 30 typicals and 20 deviants, they were rewarded with the ability to transform into a Titan themselves. Jeaguar had reached that number long before his friends had, so Hannes invited him to GGO as an advanced player.

Laying under the dappled shadows of a virtual tree, a dark haired boy drifted off to sleep, eyes drooping as the seconds ran slowly by. He crossed his right leg with his left and shielded his tanning face from the sun.


Startled by the sudden noise, he jumped up and looked around, shaking his brown head wildly from side to side. After locating the intruder, the boy dropped his defense and regained his composure.

"Oh, its just you, Uncle. But call me by my virtual name, please. We don't want anyone to know my real name."

Rolling his eyes, Hannes sighed.

"Fine, John."

"Thank you. Now why did you disturb me so?"

"I was wondering..." Hannes' voice faltered. "Wondering if you wanted to make money by playing in the virtual world. Real money. Since you're so advanced already. There is a virtual game that you can convert to that exchanges game coins for real yen, but requires the player to quit one of their current games. And for younger kids like you that are ten or below, it requires them to change their avatar names and not give out any personal data until the age of thirteen by the order of the safety protocol. I got accepted into the game by a man named Pixis, and I immediately thought of you. Since you have such a large debt to pay for your parents..."

His eyes widening at the mention of paying off the debt, Eren held up his hand to cease the talking.

"So this VRMMO game has a game-coin-to-real-money conversion system? What is it called?"

"Now, if you put it that way, yes. Not only can a player purchase credits with Japanese yen, but credits earned within the game can be converted into yen, at a rate of 50 credits for 1 yen. The credits inside this world are game coins. At this rate, you can pay off your debt in... five years. This virtual reality game is called Gun Gale Online, otherwise abbreviated as GGO, only open to the best of players. I'm pretty sure you have heard of it before. Both Commander Pixis and I welcome you to this game. You've mastered this world already, and are fit to convert without a problem..."

Eren pondered for a moment. So if he converted to this game, not only could he pay off his debt, he could also be called one of the most advanced players out there, as well as meet famous gamers like Pixis. Eren couldn't believe that he got accepted by Commander Pixis! He was one of the best players in the virtual world. Pixis probably has seen something in Eren in order to invite him into this game. This was really a one chance in a lifetime!

"...So, what else is there to this Gun Gale Online?"

Yas, I'm finally DONE! That was pretty painful... I'm off to ice my shoulder again...

But before that, how do you guys like the flashbacks? I will have many more of these coming up in future chapters, so get ready!



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