Chapter 13: The Bellato Union

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The Bellato Union Race Statistics: 

Life Expectancy: 150 years
Procreation: 1 Year
Time taken to reach adulthood: 22 years

Social Background:

Bellateans learned early on that the fastest way to develop technology and profit is for their people to be happy. A happy person is a productive person. This is why they have freedom of expression and individualism. They have long understood that freedom drives minds to think better, rather than oppression. This is why Bellato citizens enjoy many freedoms and liberties.

However, most, if not all of the dominant Bellateans are members of Houses. Houses are congregations of individuals who share the same blood (family ties being taken very seriously by Bellateans) and/or interests (wealth and power being taken much more seriously by Bellateans).

Success breeds success, and while Bellateans promote individual achievement, over the years, the same families harvest most of the wealth and power. Influential Bellateans then lend money, offer services or help to lesser ones, for the conduct of their business or other matters, and strong ties develop between the two sides. Soon enough, it is a vast network of interests that emerges. A House. Several networks can intertwine, of course, but the core of every one of them is a powerful and identifiable family that will do its best to keep the relatives, allies, and clients in line with the House’s interests.

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