Chapter 9: The beginning of a new civilization

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It was inevitable that the Mutated Virus would find its way to the Novus sector. It's devastating effects put the Accretia Scientists into a crazed panic. In a bid to protect themselves from this terrible plight, the scientists actively destroyed the transport platform, halted the planetary transport network and ceased all communication. This in essence meant that all interplanetary transport had been cut and that control over the other planets within the system was lost. 

The experimental subjects, inhabiting various planets controlled by the Accretia researchers, found themselves in the middle of chaos incarnate. Basic animal instincts were triggered with the onset of the viral plague. Their training and bio-engineered abilities were unleashed on their delegated researchers, destroying the facilities in their wake.

The virus infected the sixteen planets within the Novus sector and all but the Bellato and Cora planets destroyed the human civilisations, forming their own primitive societies. The Bellato and Cora for reasons unknown did not lose their minds as was seen within the system. Though there were pockets of confusion, the planets as a whole lay unaffected. Both planets prepared for the worst as supplies dried up and the inhabitants were left to fend for themselves. Both civilisations worked hard to maintain their survival and produced resources to sustain their societies, utilizing the equipment left by the researchers and previous civilisations.

The inhabitants of each of the remaining planets created new unique civilizations. The Cora built there society based on their unique mental abilities, the Bellato strived to combine their mental and scientific abilities, and the Accretian researchers, left isolated on the planet, had to find a way to maintain their very own survival.

On the Planet Accretia, the fear and uncertainty caused by the onset of the Mutant Strain Arcane Virus left its scar. With the planet's travel network and platforms destroyed, the lives of the researchers were under constant threat. With no clear support from Earth Association, and no possibility of long distance space travel the researchers had to fend for themselves, unclear as to whether the virus had spread to other areas in the sector. 

The hostile planet they were trapped on proved to be dangerous to the researchers. It was clear they had to adapt or die. By using their skills and knowledge, it was a simple task of manipulating their bodies and acclimatizing to their new surroundings. They began to rebuild their human bodies incorporating mechanised implants and nano-technology; all produced using the vast supply of mineral and underground resources. 

The Cora, Bellato and Accretia, once a united human race, were now evolving with their new environment and more importantly with their own physical beings. The beginning of three new civilisations was underway, there destiny yet to be written…

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