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Troye's POV


  We kept our promises of Skyping often. Somehow being able to be available once a week.

  It was weird to have my favorite YouTuber actually put me in his schedule. To have him saying hello with my name attached to the end. Which only caused me to fall harder.

  My infatuation grew as the times drew on. I craved his company throughout my day, even though I hadn't met him in person.

Until it was finally the day.

  So there I was sitting outside the doors of playlist live 2013 and my heart was pounding. Tyler was here and I was going to literally meet him.

   I was standing outside the doors having an internal struggle, worrying I was gonna mess everything up-It wasn't making this easier, I need to just do it. And do it, I did.

  I spent half the day saying hello to the other creators I ever so often tweeted. They were nice and friendly so it wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. I hung out with Caspar for the most part considering he was the only one I truly knew. Like I've mentioned before, we met from the film Spud. He introduced me to his friends Joe Sugg, Zoella's brother. Alfie and some other friendly faces.

   " Troye Sivan!" A girl screamed running up behind me. Zoe Sugg engulfed me into a hug before I had time to even process. We have been direct messaging back-and-forth for a couple months. Tyler had mentioned me and from the second she subscribed, we have been friends.

  " Zoella!" I said hugging her tighter. She was small like I was and we rocked side to side.

  "How are you?" She spoke finally disconnecting our hug. 

  "I'm good. It's exciting meeting everyone. "

  She nodded and suddenly realized something, because her eyes almost popped out of her head. "Have you met Tyler yet. " she yelled, squeezing my arm. Obviously excited for a reason I wasn't sure of.

  Suddenly my stomach started getting nervous and grumbly again. "Not yet. I haven't seen him." I spoke truthfully. To be fair, I was trying to buy time on embarrassing myself in front of him. I had a feeling that the time was going to be cut short.

"Come on I know where he is." Zoe pulled me along without explanation. I rolled my eyes trying to distract myself from the complete nerves.

  My feet dragged against the ground as she pulled me past other people looking suspiciously. I smiled but everybody could see how skeptical I really was.

  "He's in there." Zoe said, shoving me through the door.

  I glanced up at the stage when I finally made it in the door. There he was, standing in all his beauty. He was impossibly more attractive in person and I wondered if it was even possible. His hair looked even better when it wasn't behind a screen and his face was breathtaking. It was like seeing a wax figure. Everything felt unreal.

  A giggle escaped my mouth when I noticed his height. He told me he was short, but I didn't actually think that short. To be honest I love that he was so small but I would never admit that. Couldn't make his ego already stronger, Which by the way made me love him so much more. He was confident within himself, and he inspired me to be more confident.

  For a good portion of the time I spent in the room, I watched him from afar. Admiring him from the closest I've ever been.

I would never know how but somehow I got enough courage to walk closer. He was talking to a person who I assumed worked in a business by their persona and tried to stay out of their way- Not wanting to interrupt. 

I waited patiently for their meeting to end and ended up meeting a couple more people but I couldn't never tell you who. I was only focused on the smaller boy chatting easily. When the man finally walked away from Tyler, I made my way up the stage nearly passing out from my heart beating so fast. At the moment I thought he heard it's loud beat because he glanced in my direction and our eyes met but thinking about it now it's pretty impossible from our distance and my layered skin.

  They held for maybe a second but in that moment it felt so much longer than it actually was. Everything became slow. Just like the movies-except it was better than the movies. Instead of watching it through the screen, I was living it.

  I could feel my heart beating against my chest. My mouth hung open slightly and I closed it forming a smile.

  " Oh hey!" He said speaking first. It amazed me that he was the same person but everything felt different. It felt so surreal.

  " Hi." I spoke shyly. I couldn't take my eyes of him.

" Come Embrace." Tyler spoke holding out his arms.

  A laugh escaped my mouth and I shuffled around the table. He pulled me into his arms and I melted into his body. It felt like home and I never wanted to leave. It was like my first taste of the most addicting drug. And I'll be honest, I needed that drug to survive.

  " So insane that we are finally meeting. How was your flight?" He asked pulling away. Breathe Troye.. Breathe.

  "Good. Nerve-racking but good." My voice sounded shaky in my mouth and I hoped he couldn't notice.

  He smiled at me and pulled me into a hug again. The breaths I was taking weren't providing me enough air.

  "Happy Birthday." I said as we disconnected again.

  " Thanks Troye." I couldn't help but blush when he said my name. This was in fact happening, and I just needed to get ahold of myself.

  A man yelled at Tyler saying he needed to go. I laughed when Tyler sassed him for a moment before turning to me again. "Hey I really wish I could stay but I have to go to the LGBT panel. Will you come to the party tonight? "

  Although I had no idea what party he was talking about, I nodded and he pulled me into a another quick hug. I held him tight that time, just in case that would be our last.

"Okay I'll see you later then..bye Troye." He gave his signature smile before allowing the man to drag him away. I barely heard the man say something about how he had no time to flirt and I wish I could've heard what Tyler said back.

  I took one last breath before awkwardly smiling to myself. I had just met
Tyler Oakley. And I also knew that I had a crush on Tyler Oakley. Which I knew was gonna be difficult and probably awkward on his part but I was an actor and I vowed to myself to try my hardest to hide it from him. I guess you'll see how that turned out.... |"|

A/n: yeah fuck it I'm not correcting it. If there is mistakes... Too bad. I did this instead of homework so don't hate me.

So here's this piece of shit chapter. I had a really bad day yesterday and there was no possible way for me to upload so here's this. that's pretty much it. I am hoping that it will be better next week.  we're actually getting into the story more as before it was just like talking about them speaking from the Internet...

Anyways I am writing another fanfiction if you want to give it a look. It's called Finally Found (Troyler ofc) and it's about..I guess you read what it's about. I love you and I hope that you have an amazing day and thank you so much for reading this.

Tilly (Troyler Au)Where stories live. Discover now