the phone number

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Tori was now walking down to her locker when she bumbed into her best friend Andrea.
"Hey tori" "Hello Andrea"
"Guess what " exclamed Andrea
"What" said tori replying back
"I got a new phone " said Andrea exidedly "omg cool,did you change your number?" asked tori
"Oh yes " Andrea reached into her locker grabing a pen and her note book she scribled 7 numbers down "thank you i better go before i have to go to class" "oh yeah forgot about that" said Andrea. tori walked to her locker got her books just in time for the bell to ring. Tori walked to her room and sat down at the desk next to Mason. She finally got sutuated and Ms.Lee said "okay class get out your books and turn to page 450." Ms.Lee was our science teacher. A hour later class was dismised. I grabed my bag and books and went to the bathroom.

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