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You didn't forget about me did you. I know you didn't I mean who could. Well i'm a model now and i'm in the 3rd grade. Im 8 and I love to party already but I dont go to adult parties I've tried but you know. I got a boyfriend and all but I cant tell my dad because he will flip. I'm happy that my mommy had my little brothers they are so so so pretty. Im moving back with my mommy and her boyfriend. So let me tell you this. I was mad at my mom at first she know how I feel about Chris an then she go ahead and ate him not only that but also have a baby by him, That was my husband now he my mom boyfriend. Oh Lord. But I learned to control myself in a house with him. He is like a dad to me even though I know my real dad but still, I can tell him everything except the boy thing but yeah.(Pic On Side)

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