Chapter 1

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No, no, no, stop chasing me.

I ran through the forest fast hearing Jordan chase after me. I'm faster and the chances of him catching me are slim but I can't exactly head back home, I'd run right into him. I shifted into my wolf my white and black fur covering my body. My fur color is rare but since my mom is a half shifter and my father is an Alpha my siblings and I got mixed fur.

Taking a sharp turn left I headed down the edge of the boundary planning on running around till I hit the entrance to my house. Jordan Wilson was the typical fuck boy that all the girl drooled over. I'm personally not impressed, sure he's attractive and charming and actually smart, I'm getting off topic here, but no matter who he is or what he looks like I don't want a mate plain and simple.

I ran through the woods slowing when I saw mint growing in a garden. Mint is a scent hider so he'll lose my trail, I don't want him following my home. Laying down I rolled in the leaves my sent fading from the air.

I got up trotting to a lake at the border laying down to drink.

Why are you running from our mate?

Eva, my wolf, whined making my eyes roll.

Because I don't want a mate and you know why. Now leave me alone.

I rolled over on my back my paws in the air as I looked up at the sky. I don't come here as much as I used to. Dad showed me this place, he used to bring me here as a little girl and tell me stories as we stared up at the sky. I counted the stars quietly before hearing a snap a few yards away. I hopped up quickly heading for a small cave by the water.

It was still dark out but the full moon glistened on the lake shining some light on the edge of the forest. My breath catching involuntarily as his large black wolf walked into view.

Mate Mate!!!

Eva screaming making me cut off our connection and slide deeper into the cave.A small

Blush covered my face as Jordan shifted standing in front of me completely nude. "Love? I can sense you nearby. Masking your scent was smart but my tracking skills are better" he called.

I scoffed lowly at his ego, he may be good but I'm amazing. "I'll wait here all day if I have to I'm guessing you don't want that now do you" he had a satisfied smirk on his face only making my wolf chuckle.

His head snapped towards the cave walking slowly over as I got in a pouncing position. I gave a wolfish smirk before leaping over him sprinting in the direction my house.

I made quick time there, I'm the fastest wolf in the pack maybe the state. Seeing my front door in front of me I slowed down to a trot, just because I'm fast doesn't mean I don't get tired. Before I reached the steps I was tackled by my lovely mate making us roll into the dirt. I growled as he hovered over me.  He gave me a wolfish grin making me snarl. Dammit I should've ran all the way.

I threw him off of me hoping up quickly, pushing the front door open with my nose before running up the stairs. Kicking my room door closed I shifted back throwing on a big T-shirt and shorts just before my door swung open revealing a, yet again, very naked Jordan.

"Um can I help you" I asked laying on my bed grabbing my phone from my bag that had somehow made it back from the party. "Don't be like that love, I mean we both know you find me attractive, so why hide from it" he spoke with confidence making me chuckle.

It was silent for a while and I could feel his gaze on me."Oh your still here" I faked smiled as I looked up from my phone.  "What's your name beautiful" he asked walking over sitting at the end of my bed.

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