Chapter 6

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I ran my hand through my hair as I read over the plan. It's a mess and we're most likely going to lose a few warriors. I shook my head, I have to go with them. They're not going to do it right and now Reese has the damn stomach virus.
Jay isn't the greatest at making plans, clearly. I sighed, worry consumed me.
One more day until we attack, we don't have a plan and we don't even know where Achilles is in the building. How the hell are we supposed to do this?

I clenched my jaw and got up, at least I have four people here who can tell me where he is. I walked down to the dungeons, nodding at the guards as I walked along the halls. I stopped in front of a cell and typed in the code. The door slid open, revealing the four hunters.

I stepped in and sighed, "Are you enjoying your stay?" I asked.

The one glared at me, "No."

"Good, now, I want some answers."

"The idiot over here already gave them to you." Another grumbled.

I rolled my eyes, "Where is Achilles in the building?"

"We aren't telling you, we'll die with the truth if we have to." The third snapped.

I glared at them and grabbed him by the jaw.

"Listen, I'm a hormonal pregnant werewolf. Do you really want to test my patience?" I snarled.

I winced as a huge sharp pain hit my abdomen. After a few minutes it vanished. I threw him back to the ground and took a deep breath.

"You're going to die either way, but if you don't tell me your deaths will be slower. There are punishments worse than death."

Mark swallowed and glanced at the others before letting out a sigh.
"He's in the third room in the left side. There are three halls, he's in the second." He explained.

"Mark, seriously?" One of them snarled.

Mark glared at them, "Why should we lie? I never liked this shit in the first place."

I grinned, "Mark will be treated nicely. You three can suffer."

I turned around and left, but doubled over as another sharp pain hit. I took deep breaths until it went away. I walked back to the entrance and doubled over again.

"Luna, are you okay?" One of the guards asked.

I clenched my jaw, "Y-yeah...I'm fine."

I cried out as another pain hit me.

"You're not fine." He stated before gently picking me up.

He hurried up the stairs and down a few halls. The pain was coming quicker as we reached the infirmary, my cries gaining everyone's attention. The doctor scurried over and guided him to a room.
He placed me on a bed before leaving as instructed.

I gripped the sheets, "What the hell is happening?"

She sighed, "You're going into labor early."

I let out another cry, trying to fight the pain. Damn it, why now?

Achilles' Luna Where stories live. Discover now