Chapter 5

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The next day, people gawked as I walked down the halls. Hillary kicked me.

The next few weeks were ok. Me and Nikki were closer than ever. We even hung out a few times. The Populars still flung their fat jokes at me. I went to the doctor weekly.

Me and Nikki stayed at my home on Halloween. We watched monster movies on Netflix and reruns of Malcolm in the Middle. Then she asked me the most awkward question ever.

"No offence, but why are you so fat?"

"Promise not to tell?"

She nodded.

"I'm an experiment." I said quietly. "The doctors infect fat into me for a year."

"So you won't be fat in a year?"

I shrugged. "Who knows if I'll stay here!" Nikki put on a sad face.

"Now my secret." She cleared her throat. "I'm a lesbian."

"I accept that." I nodded. "Have you ever dated a girl?"

"Nah. But I've liked them."

"Shit!" I remembered something. "I have another injection tomorrow."

Nikki whistled. "Sucks to be you."

The next day, we went downtown to yet another new office. Fred and Angel were there, along with Asian dude and some other people. I was put on the bed. They put needles into my belly and legs only. Huh.

My stomach got so big I almost couldn't see because of all the fat and skin covering my face. My legs got so big they fell off the bed.

I was weighed. 2034. I was the heaviest person ever.

The doctors were crying. They were so happy. I asked if I could go to the bathroom. In there, I lifted up my shirt. I lifted up my belly. My skin was so stretched out. I had a million layers of fat.

I stared in the mirror. Was this me? Was I actually a 2000 pound fatso?

"Cathy!" Mom called. I left the bathroom.

We had to go get me some new bras and underwear. My boobs were probably a Z cup. Nope. They were huge, though.

I huffed as we went back to the car. I was so big I took up the whole backseat. My fat jiggled as we went over speed bumps.

I was apparently not fat enough.

Fat for a Year (not doing anymore)Where stories live. Discover now