Chapter 7

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~I feel like the story is getting very disgusting. Is it? Also DYK that this story idea was from a dream I had?~

I woke up. A few days must've past because the doctors were wearing new clothes. I was in a food coma, probably. I looked down. Holy shit! I couldn't see my legs!

A new doctor told me to walk to the scale. I could barely move. I finally got to it, though. I stepped on.

4091 pounds.

"Why?!" I cried. "Why do you want me so fat?"

"Because," one said. "You need to be fat."

I started to cry.

"Take a bathroom break." Fred said.

In the bathroom, I saw myself. My chin(s) were so huge. They were bigger than my original scrawny body! My boobs were probably the biggest thing on my body, behind my belly. It was the size of a queen sized bed. It had so many rolls. My legs were the size of my belly before I was out in the room. My arms were the size of my legs.

I went back into the room. I was hooked up to yet another machine, but I wasn't put asleep. This time, I had the same stuff, plus two more tubes in my mouth with a different drink, and a few more needles in my belly. I watched my belly grow. It was so big.

I was weighed again. 6219 pounds. Fuck. I was taken home in a huge truck.

I took the elevator to my apartment. I got in and sat on the ground. I fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of my doorbell. I slowly got up and opened my door.

A giant steel bowl with wheels was in the hallway. In it was a dozen bottles of orange liquid that said "Drink Me!".

There was a note, too. Use this contraption to get your big, beautiful belly around the house. Drink a full container of the drink every hour, unless you're sleeping.

I plopped my bag of fat into the thingy. I used my legs to push. It worked. I drank one of the drinks. My tummy got slightly bigger.

The next day, I was sent a sweatshirt and sweatpants that were surprisingly baggy for me. The day after that I got more drinks, about 50. A note said to drink three every hour now.

The day after that, I was taken back to the doctors. They weighed me.

"9924!" a guy named Todd cheered. "What a big girl you've become!" He patted my booming belly.

I nodded, a frown on my face. I was too big. How big did they want me?

They injected more stuff into me. Then they weighed me again.

Everyone was screaming. "10084!!!!!"

"Now, one more shot." Fred pushed a needle into my fat arm. "You'll see what it does."

I woke up the next morning. There was more juice at my doorstep.

I drank all of it in one sitting. I felt like I wanted to get fat.

That's crazy.

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