Jackson was kneading a big gingerbread dough on the kitchen table when he suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around him.
"The film was boring without you..." Cade whispered into his ear.
"Really?" Jackson tried to focus on his work, but it was hard when Cade was stroking his chest through his sweater. He could still hear the music to Edward Scissorhands from the living room.
"Yeah, so I figured I'd help you..." Cade continued, putting his hand under Jackson's sweater, reaching up to the boy's nipples. Jackson let out a small whimper.
"...With what exactly?" Jackson managed. He could already feel his erection throbbing in his pants.
"Get your shirt off, for starters, since it really hot in here and your hands are dirty." Cade slowly slid the sweater up Jackson's torso, and Jackson didn't object. Cade threw it on the floor, and leaned in against Jackson's back, still caressing the boy's abs. Jackson felt the warm naked skin of Cade press against his back, leaving no air between them. He forced Jackson down so he was kneeling over the table, and Jackson gave up trying to be productive. He pushed the dough aside; all he wanted was to feel Cade enter him. And the older boy wouldn't let him wait long, because he eagerly shoved Jackson's sweatpants down, and let him feel his naked erection slide teasingly between his cheeks. Apparently Cade was already naked and ready. Jackson couldn't keep quiet anymore and let a pleading moan leave his lips.
"Please, just do me already" Jackson breathed out. He felt a sudden thrust and Cade had entered him without hesitation. It was pain and pleasure at the same time and Jackson loved it. Cade was deep inside of him, hitting his spot repeatedly, and Jackson could barely feel his legs anymore, the electrifying thrusts left him breathless and dazed. He let himself fall down over the table, and Cade followed him, still rocking himself deeper and deeper into Jackson.
"You're so beautiful when you shut your eyes like that, when you moan like that for me Jackson..." Cade breathed out. He was so close, and feeling Jackson shivering under him made it so hard for him to last. Jackson was panting so intense he couldn't respond, but he understood this was Cade's way of letting him know he could come. Relieved he felt his hard length twitch under him against the table and his hot cum leaked out on the oak table. He kept panting for a while as Cade was still thrusting into him. He couldn't imagine ever being able to walk again, Cade always left him feeling drained of strength. Finally Cade leaned down on him, panting just like Jackson had a moment ago and Jackson could feel tense body contract and relax, becoming limb on top of him as he had his release.
"Fuck... I think this is the best table sex we've ever had." Cade breathed into Jackson's neck after he had calmed down a bit.
"I think I must agree on that" Jackson hummed amused. The table underneath him was warm from his body now, and felt really comfortable when he had a satisfied babe breathing on top of him. Which was why he let out a disappointed whine when Cade got up from him.
"Come on, let's go to the bed. It's more comfortable than the table, and I'm not ready to go on with anything besides snuggle with you now." Cade said before leaning into kiss Jackson who was now standing up.
"Sounds like a lovely idea..." Jackson replied between their lips.

A Jade Christmas
Storie d'amoreJackson and Cade are at Jacksons stepdads cabin to spend Christmas alone