who is he

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Dancing was a highlight for many newcomers after a long week of school, work and more work. It was freeing. You could spend a few dollars and feel the clumsy layers of the previous hard week crumble away. The disco ball reflected the strobe lights, the darkness, and fog all created a parallel world where you could free your soul for a few short hours. You were anonymous. Freedom to claim any nationality and identity. You were not an outsider anymore.
She met him when she danced to a song from his country. He came closer, signaled his intentions and breathlessy whispered in his native tongue..." Are you one of us?" Safina smiled playfully and said "Yes, I am." He laughed with deep mirth, grabbed her waist and pulled her close! He smelled clean, no tobacco and other than his beer, his breatj was clean. They danced in rhythm for 20 minutes before she retired to the bathroom to dry her face and neck.
Her friends giggled as they walked in. Who was he? He wasn't sitting with the others, what country was he from? He spoke well and dressed well. He looked like a good catch. No one knew him. When she came back to her table he sent the waitress with drinks and a menu. He had instructed the waitress that she could have anything she wanted and he would cover it.
Handsome, dark and eyes that were covered with long lashes that would cause most women envy. His smile was broad and genuine. She was easily impressed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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