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I don't own Fairy Tail!


Lucy:I-is that why she hates me??She denies her feelings??

Juvia: I don't hate you 😏

Mira:Oh mi gosh that smirk could mean so many things!!😱

Natsu: Still be best buds right Luce? 😫

Lucy: oh Natsu

Erza : They looks so Cute! 💝💓💓💓❤

Sanji:Two beautiful women together 😄


Gray: I won't allow two member of the same guild date!

Author: No members of different guilds dating from our guild now no one from the same guild??

Lisanna:More like nobody date Juvia 👭

Lyon: Gray and I fighting caused Juvia to look to someone else for comfort ._.

Happy: Juvia can summon fish?

Carla/Charle: Baka, she's a water mage not a fisher

Wendy: Lulu 👰👀


Gajeel:Shrimp it's alright you got me and Bunny girl has Juvia

Don't forget to comment and vote who you want next!!

Shoutout to my friend uniqua

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