Lucy x boat man

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I dont own Fairy Tail

------------------------------------------------Make it happen 🔝🔝🔝

Lucy:Have I even ever really had a real conversation with you??😅

Author-chan:Lucy,even being in the same city is enough to get shipped

Boatman: don't fall in Lucy

Natsu:Uhh Luce? Hello? Am I invisible

Gray:Is that like the only line Boatman can say?

Erza:We must translate as an act of his LOVE

Happy: ohmi gosh I'm a about to say something smart! Since Lucy is boatman bf he can get me fishh??

Carla/Charle:ugh Happy just because he has a boat doesn't mean he fishes maybe it's boatmans cousins boat??

Gajeel: yoyoyoyo go check out my new cover song

Levy:You mean sho be do ba??? 😂

(When I was writing Levy name it autocorrected to shrimp ._.)

Mira:I've been working soooo hard to make Nalu a reality and THIS is how you repay me? 😭😭Rip OTP

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