The Boy in Grief

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Dawn, the next day, I was walking through the same forest as last time. It wasn't snowing. In fact, the bright lights were in the air. Heh, usually I'd hate to see those lights in the sky. Wait, why am I now starting to like things I despised? Oh my clandestine, that boy's kindness was getting to me. As the flaky snow flew up to my cloak, with every step I took, I realized that I was in this small village. There was something different about this village, however.

I walked through the torn down homes, splashes of blood, weapons with blood on them and scattered bodies, as smoke from one of the homes rose in the air. Whenever this massive death rate took place, it sure wasn't too long ago. I looked in the air for more of the harmful chemical that rose, but there was only one trail of the gray cloud.

I flew towards the area, since I didn't want to see the bloodied and broken bodies beneath me. I would normally love to see the affects after war, but today was just...... different. When the smoke trail was right in front of me, I looked down and saw that there was a child warming his hands on a small fire. Something about him seemed familiar. I took a closer look and saw that it was the boy!

My sockets widened. What was he doing out here so far from where I last saw him? Surely he didn't walk over 50 miles to get here. Did he? I descended, and the light snow flew out of the way as I landed. It was almost like every grain of snow was afraid of me. The wind from my land rustled the boy's brown hair, and he shivered. 

He sniffed and pulled his hood over his head. The poor child.

"Oh Mama," he sobbed, in his high voice, "Where are you? You told me to stay with that man, but now he traded me for gold and I was stuck with another man that was killed." He put his head on his knees. "I just want to see you again. I don't want to be here. I've seen the bad things that death can bring, and all I want it to see you."

I could tell he was crying. I could almost feel his tears flow from his eyes, like rivers. I couldn't help it. I hesitantly stepped forward and put my bony hand on his small, frail, shoulder. He flinched, but then he looked behind him. His eyes widened when he saw me. They were crystallized and shining the same blue shine as the flower.

"Y-y-you're that man that saved me," he said, in between sobs, "W-why are you here?"

I kneeled to his eye level, and put my synth down. I looked right into his eyes and sighed.

"My child," I said, "I saw the smoke and all the bodies. I had to come here, to what happened."

The boy wiped his tears away with his gloved hand.

"There was a fight here," he said, "My mama told me that these fights are between people who hate each other, and they kill each other for stupid things like land."

I looked back to the war field. Indeed, this was very horrifying. Especially for a child that was so young. I looked back at him and took the flower out. He looked at it. He tilted his head, curiously studying the plant. Now that I look at him, he only looks about 5 or 6 years old. And his mother died trying to find him.

"You kept the flower?" he asked, getting me out of my thoughts, "Normally the people who save me would get rid of the gifts I give them. You kept one of my little gifts."

I looked at the now closing flower. I looked in the sky and saw that the sky had turned a light pinkish lavender with clouds of the same color. It ran over the trees, making it look like a painting. I looked back at the child and grinned. That's possibly the first time I've done that innocently.

"This wasn't just a little gift, child," I said, "This was able to withstand many harsh environments."

"What's an env- envi- envioment?"

I snickered.

"Never mind. But this gift you gave me, it's changed me."

"In a good way?"

I looked at the flower. It has changed me, but was it a good thing that it did that? I was feeling sorrow for the humans I took souls from, I never enjoy the looks of gore and after affects of war anymore, and I'm starting to enjoy the things in nature. All because of this boy.

"I suppose so," I said, looking back at him.

He smiled.

"Can you..... can you take me home?" he asked.

I gave him look of shock.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"I miss my mama, and I'm lost. I thought if I could come here, I would find someone to help me, and here you are."

I sighed. I couldn't take him to the Underworld. He wouldn't survive. I doubt that Bai and Yadira would let him through. I certainly couldn't bring him to a police station. Where was a place that is safe for- wait, I've got it.

"I know just the place to bring you, to help you," I said.

He smiled, showing his bright white teeth. I picked up my synth and got up. As I signaled him to follow me, I had my back turned from him, when I felt something grab my waist. I my head, and I saw that the boy was hugging me. I didn't want to touch him, seeing how I could burn him to ashes. I slowly lowered my hand, anyway, and I gave him a small hug back. I have to admit, I think I felt rivers coming from my sockets.

K.C.T: Aw..... so sweet! My gosh, it feels like FOREVER since I've updated my books. For those who don't know why I haven't been updating, you can read my post in my conversations to see why. Plus, you get to read a poem, on my profile bio. Anyways, see you guys in a brighter light! He~He! <3

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