"A Case for True Friends"

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“A Case for True Friends”

(by Diana May M. Torres)

                 “A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.”

                  The longer I live, the more convinced I am of the truth and message of this verse.  Friends,  like a song,  may seem to have so much words, power, and undying charm, or it may seem nonsense depending on the way one listens at it. Friends, still prove that they are true in times of need and downfall. Like a song, right through your heart, they comfort you when you are so down. That’s true friends.

                  To further elaborate the meaning of being a true friend, there’s a story from unknown person on how she have proved her love to her friend. There was a boy and a girl who was best of friends. The girl promised the boy to take care and make him happy. Days passes by and the boy came to the girl, sad and crying. The girl ask what bothers the boy. The boy told the girl that her girlfriend is dying and he doesn’t know what to do and he couldn’ live without her girlfriend. Then the girl told the boy to stop crying because everything will be alright.  After three months the girlfriend of the boy went to him and say, “Thanks to your best friend, she gave her heart to me so that I could live with you.” In this story, the girl sacrificed her life just to see the boy happy.

                    True friends are there to heal the wounds of our hearts. To pull you out of the saddened tunes of a certain situation. To brighten up your day when you have started in disaster. They will say to you, “Whats with face?.” A face which can’t hide the sadness in your heart. A face even if it is smiling, they can still see the tears that will form in your eyes. As expected, as a true friend they are with open arms to comfort you and block the harms.

                   Another story conveying the meaning of true friends was the story of Moths. Moths were said to be the most beautiful insects in the animal kingdom, more colorful than the butterflies. At that time they were regarded as kind, helpful and generous creatures. One day, the angels up in the heaven were crying. They were sad because it was cloudy and they couldn’t look down upon the people on earth. The sweet little moths hated to see everyone sad, so they decided to make a rainbow. They tried to ask the butterflies to give some of their colors so that they could make a beautiful rainbow but the butterflies were selfish. So, the moths just try to make the rainbow themselves. They beat their wings very hard until there was only the color brown left which didn’t fit for the rainbow. The angels saw the rainbow amd became joyous. When the angels smiled the sunshine shone and the earth became happy. Moths sacrificed their colors just to make everyone happy, a true friends that can do things no matter what or even if there’s nothing left to them.

                  Remember, true friends  do unexpected things; When we have nothing to say or when our hearts forgot to smile just what this verse from someone says...

                 “A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.”

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