Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

“Oh Merlin, oh Merlin, oh Merlin,” Ginny whispered as she stood behind the closed doors. It was only her at the moment. When they’d arrived within the Malfoy Manor, Blaise had steered Ginny towards the back room where French door, dark green curtains, would lead her out to Draco. Narcissa had taken Luna and Analiese out to the area where the others were. Amélie had disappeared, probably to find Thomas, or that’s what Ginny figured and now that she was alone, Ginny was freaking out.


She was getting married and to Draco Malfoy of all people. Her heart skipped a beat; seventeen years ago, hell, eighteen years ago, Ginny would never have thought she’d be marrying Draco. She had been in love with another man, leading a completely different life.

She took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She was going to be marrying Draco, the love of her life.

“You okay, Mom?” Amélie asked as she walked into the room.

Ginny looked up see Amélie and Thomas walking towards her; she smiled nervously. “Yes, yes, I’m –” she stopped when she caught they’re expressions. She sighed, “I’m a bit nervous.” She admitted finally.

Amélie chuckled as she walked towards her mom. “Isn’t this what you want?”

"I said I was nervous, not that I didn’t want it!” Ginny glared at her.

Amélie laughed, Thomas too; “That’s what I thought!” She leaned towards Thomas and gave him a kiss on the cheek, “Why don’t you go sit down. We’ll be out in a minute.”

“Will do,” he nodded then slipped through the door. It shut behind him and Amélie turned to look at her mother. She slid her hands down to her stomach and frowned, looking away from Amélie and to the doors again.

“Mom?” Amélie asked but Ginny was taking deep breaths, deep, deep breaths. “Hello? Mom?”

Ginny looked at her, “Sorry, did you say something?”

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Amélie frowned, her red hair falling into her face when she leaned closer to her mother.

Ginny sighed, “Yeah, I’m okay.” She patted Amélie’s hand. “Wait, and if I said I wasn’t and I didn’t want to marry your father?” She was curious. Amélie loved Draco and spent the last six months getting to know the man who had been absent the past seventeen years. Ginny had loved watching them interact. It had been the best thing ever, having them get to know each other. Ginny had fallen in love with Draco all over again; even more so than before. And it had been even better to watch them grow to love each other. Of course, it would take time to completely get to know each other but they had time; had all the time in the world now.

“I’d tell you that you love dad and to suck it up,” Amélie winked playfully.

“That’s what I thought!” Ginny laughed as grabbed her daughter’s arm. “Let’s go now. Draco will be beside himself with worry if we take too long.” She shook her head, “He’ll come looking for us and forget all about wedding protocol to not see the bride before the wedding.”

“That would be Dad alright.” Amélie smiled.

“Hah, that’s right.” Ginny sighed, “Wow, I can’t believe this is actually happening…” she whispered as she stepped forward and reached for the curtain.

“Ah, ah, ah, no,” Amélie pulled her arm back and patted her mom’s hand. “Yes, it’s actually happening, Mom. You two waited long enough, so why not get this whole wedding thing started.”

Ginny nodded, “Yes, let’s.”


What was taking so long? Draco groaned as he paced. He looked at his watch; Ginny had been in there for almost ten minutes since Amélie’s little boyfriend came out. He shot a look at the boy as he sat next to Colm. He was grinning like a fool and right at that moment, Draco sincerely wondered what the hell was on the boy's mind! He better not be thinking about -

"Draco, darling, you look simply murderous." He looked up to see him mother walking to him.

He cleared his throat and looked at the French doors which were standing between him and his Red. "Mother -" but he stopped when she patted his cheek lovingly.

"Be just a bit more patient. She should be coming out any minute now." She told him then turned and went back to her seat beside Jeff who slid his arm around her shoulder. He took another deep breath to calm him; first his daughter and now his mother! What was the world coming to that all these stupid men are taking the women he loved away from him!

Will you focus on the French doors already. They're opening and if you don't look now, you're going to miss her. What's with the Brits? Bunch of idiots, a voice grumbled in his mind and he shot a look at the boy. Thomas had a grin on his lips and he nodded towards the doors. Draco followed his line of sight to see the French doors indeed opening.

His first thought was that she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen as he watched her walking towards him in her wedding gown. The most beautiful, perfect thing he'd ever seen in his entire life. And now, she would become all his.


His second thought was that they made a cute kid. Amélie; she was beautiful. He couldn't believe that that magnificent, gorgeous girl was their child. She was the most amazing thing and at that moment, between his amazing Red and his spectacular daughter, his life was perfect. He had a good - no, great job and he finally had a good family; some he expected, some he didn't.

His eyes drifted back to Ginny as she and Amélie made their way towards him but he couldn't wait for her any longer and in the a single breath he was gone, reappearing inches in front of them. They stopped walking when he'd disappeared and with a few startled gasps from the others, he pulled her into his arms.

Ginny laughed, "Draco!"

"Couldn't wait," he muttered as they disappeared again and reappeared a few steps away from the gazebo. Standing within it was George, a small book in his arms and a smile on his face.

"I know you're excited but you could have been patient, mate." George shook his head.

"I waited seventeen years," was all Draco said.

The others laughed at that and he turned back to see Amélie sit beside Thomas. Luna, Analiese and Fred sat next to Blaise and Neville while Mika sat between them holding both of their hands. Narcissa and Jeff smiled as they watched him. Pansy and Colm were holding hands beside them and Thomas had his arm on the back of Amélie's chair.

"Ah! I'm sorry I'm late!" They all turned to see Kingsley rushing over. He slid into the seat next to Jeff.

"Is that what happens when you retire?" Blaise asked.

"What?" Kingsley asked as he turned to the couple at the gazebo.

"You're late for everything," Pansy pointed out.

"I'm late for everything." Kingsley frowned.

"You were almost late to my wedding, Kingsley. Now, shut up all of you." Draco shot them a glare as he turned to George and motioned him to go on.

"Now that everyone is here, we can begin." George grinned.

"About time," Amélie grumbled.

"Just get started, George," Ginny laughed.

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