Chapter 29

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-Clarke's POV-

"Clarke Griffin, will you marry me?"

Before I even had time to think about it I heard myself say "yes, of course I will!"

I grabbed hold of Lexa's face and pulled her in for a kiss and as soon as our lips connected everyone at the table around us started cheering.

When I looked around the table, all the girls were crying. Thelonius and Marcus were beaming like proud fathers do and Wells was clapping and cheering for us like a best friend should be. The moment was totally perfect. I was making a promise to marry the woman I love in front of my family on my favorite holiday.

We started to eat and after I was able to catch my breath I realized I never even looked down at the ring that was just put on my hand.

"What? Is this the ri-"

"Yes it is" Lexa said with a proud look on her face.

"When did you have the time to go back and get this?"

"I...well...actually I bought it that day when we were all at the store." She was looking down at my hand like I was and our fingers were laced perfectly.

What? She bought it that day? Before any of the Costia drama happened and when I was still worried about Lexa's focus on her, Lexa  was actually buying me an engagement ring. I started to feel so stupid for ever doubting her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"Well you were so upset about everything that happened later that day. I didn't want you to think I was asking just so I could keep you from leaving. Trust me, I wanted to bring it up so much sooner. But I knew that I needed to do this the way if I was ever going to get you back. So I waited and started to plan this is in meantime."

I took her face into my hands again and kissed her. I tried to convey all of my gratitude to her in that one kiss.

"I'm guessing you like it?" She laughed.

"Are you kidding me? I love it! It's perfect. You're perfect. And I love you."

"I love you too beautiful. Now no more talking, I need to concentrate on eating as much food as I possibly can within the next hour."

"Yes Commander Lexa! You know you're really bossy for someone who is so cute."

"How else do you expect me to get away with the bossiness?"

I laughed and kissed my fiancée one last time before letting her return to the feast before her. I spent most of my meal admiring the beautiful rose gold ring on my hand. It was even more beautiful than I remembered and I loved Lexa even more for getting it the day she saw me admiring it.


-Lexa's POV-

"Alright everyone time for presents!" Abby called out and ushered everyone into the living room.

We all gathered around the big tree and searched for gifts with our names on them and took them over to our spots on the couch.

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