Chapter 31

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-Clarke's POV-

"You look absolutely stunning, baby."

"You're a vision in white, Clarke!"

"Lexa is going to start crying when she sees you I just know it."

Those were the words of encouragement I was getting from my mother, Raven, and Octavia as we all got ready for my big day. October 14th 2018 came faster than I had ever imagined it would and now I was in a room with three of the four most important women in my life drinking champagne and getting dressed to walk down the aisle.

"Guys I'm so nervous I think I'm going to pass out! This is really happening oh my god I can't believe this is really happening. Is this totally crazy? Are we totally crazy? We've known each other for three years and now we are about to spend the rest of our lives together! There are so many things we still have to figure out! Oh my god we are totally crazy. This is insane. Did I mention I think I'm going to pass out? Because it's a definit-"

"Clarke!" My mom screamed and interrupted my random spew of worrisome consciousness. "Stop ranting and raving honey, everything is going to be fine. You and Lexa love each other so much. You are not crazy. This is not insane. If you asked me three years ago I would have said you two are completely nuts. But after knowing you and Lexa together I think you are right where you are supposed to be in your relationship. I'm so proud of you and happy for you, baby girl."

I started to tear up while Octavia filled my half empty champagne flout.

"Drink up Clarke, after another glass you won't be nervous at all!"

"After another glass we are going to have to guide her down the aisle." Raven said dryly.

"Well her mother and Marcus are walking with her, they can hold her up!"

"Actually....thanks Octavia but I think I'm going to cool it on the champagne til after I marry Lexa." I said as I handed my glass to her.

She down it all in one gulp and we all looked at her laughing.

"What? Waste not, want not!" She said in response to our laughter, which only made us laugh harder.

Just as we were all laughing, Anya walked in.

"Clarke, they're all ready for you guys." She called and then turned back into the hallway.

"Showtime!" Raven said. "You ready, Clarke?"

"Absolutely." I said smiling uncontrollably.


-Lexa's POV-

"To Lexa and Clarke!" Anya said as she raised her shot of whiskey in the air.

"Cheers!" Everyone brought their glasses to meet hers and we all drank and laughed and smiled at one another.

"I can't believe you are gonna be Lexa Griffin in a matter of hours!" Indra said as she sat next to me on the couch in our bridal suite.

"I can't either. Honestly it still feels like a dream. I'm waiting to wake up!" I said as I wrapped my arms around her in a big hug.

Indra and Anya were going to be walking me down the aisle while Lincoln and Jake walked with Raven and Octavia. I couldn't think of a better group to have standing next to me on my big day.

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