hahahaha not funny

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he laughed. "you laugh now but you will thank me later" i said. I layed back. "I'm huuuunnnnggggeeeerrrrryyyyyyy" i moaned. "go get food" Trevor said. "heck no! I ain't going alone" i said. "fine ill come with you" he said. we walked downstairs and into the kitchen. "wow your house is huge" he said. it doesn't seem that big. but yet again I've lived in it all if my life.we grabbed food and walked back up the stairs. I sat on my bed and picked up the box of cheeze its and opened it. I grabbed one, threw into the air, and caught it on my mouth. I did it again and again.

i looked at the time. still two hours left. I groaned. Amanda looked at me. I shrugged. she rolled her eyes. I scoffed. she coughed. I sneezed. she fake cried. I burst into laughter realizing how weird this is. "hey amanda" i asked. "what" she said. "wanna here a saying that is the definition of our friendship" i asked." sure" she said. "you cry, I cry, you laugh, I laugh, you jump off a bridge, I laugh even harder" i said. she pouted. Trevor and I burst into laughter. "it's not funny" she said causing me to laugh even harder.

"well I'm gonna take a nap" i said. I layed on my bed and got under ny blanket. I fell asleep. when I woke up,Amanda was.............

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