holy crap

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they jumped. I got up and tried running but because I hurt my ankle it makes it really hard to run. Trevor saw this. he picked me up and ne over his shoulder. he started running. he tripped and fell. we both tumbled to the ground. the masked people started running towards us. its when I remembered our weapons. we pulled out the knives. i stood up. one of the masked people pulled out.a knife and tried to stab me with it.I blocked it with my knife. Trevor started having a knife fight with other masked figure. the one I was fighting knocked my knife out of my hand. I pushed them away and i slowly backed up. I watched Trevor fight. i looked at his hair. it's dirty blonde and short. he's actually kinda cute. just then his knife broke. I tried to start running but tripped and fell. Trevor ran over and picked me up again. he slung me over his shoulder and started running. Amanda was following US. we ran into Casey's. we grabbed supplies and went to the bathroom. I looked at the time. only from hours before the purge is over. i looked at Amanda. She is sleeping behind the counter. i felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped. I turned around. it is only trevor. "sorry didn't mean to scare you" he said. "it's alright" I said. "I was just wondering if. .....mmmmmmmmmm you .......

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