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  Rose was sitting in her bedroom, listening to a playlist she had made on YouTube. Her life was pretty normal, went to a normal high school, lived in a normal town, had a normal family. Even though her life seemed pretty damn boring she liked it. Nothing would stress her out heaps and not many people payed attention to her so Rose never got caught up in drama. Well, that is what her life was like until her parents divorced and one of them killed themselves over it, after that her life went downhill. She became very depressed but she hid it very well. But people started to pay attention to her and make rumors that it was her fault her parents divorced and she is secretly that killer that has been going around lately. Rose clicked back into reality when her mother knocked on her door, she got up quickly and put on a cardigan she had lying around. Her mum knew that she was depressed but she didn't know Rose was cutting, Rose wanted to keep it that way so she didn't have to put more stress on her back.

"hello dear, I- I need to talk to you about some," she took a pause as if she was finding it hard to say what she was going to say. "things" Rose looked at her confusingly and asked her, "what do you mean by 'things'?" Her mum explained to her how she got a huge job opportunity but she needs to go to Britain for the conference. "Wait does that mean I have to move with you?" Rose's mum shook her head,
"No dear, I understand that you are old enough to take care of yourself for a year, lets just say its a practice run for you for when you move out of home" She gave rose a smile and Rose weakly smiled back.
"but mum I don't have a job, how am i supposed to pay for food and pay the bills?" Her mum giggled and replied, "I'm going to put $100 in your bank each fortnight and I went ahead and pre paid your bills so you don't need to worry about those" Rose nodded understanding what her mum had explained to her. "well, i'm going to go pack because i'm leaving first thing in the morning, so in case you're not awake early, Goodbye honey and take care." Rose's mum exited her bedroom as Rose went back to sitting around and listening to music.


The next day Rose woke up at her normal time which was 8:00 in the morning. She got for school, and started making some pancakes. Rose had always loved video games and the one game series she had loved more than the rest was the legend of Zelda series. Her mum got her a Gameboy advance for her fifth birthday and the game she got with it was The Legend of Zelda, yes the first one in the series, and ever since then she had been collecting video games and merchandise from games she loved. It was now 8:30 and Rose had grabbed her skateboard and started skating to school. She saw some people waiting at the bus stop and in that group of people she saw her best friend, . Even though many girls at school have tried to get him to stop being friends with the so called 'murderer' he has given up popularity and dream harem to be friends with Rose. He had asked her out in the past but she ended up friend-zoning him, but as time went by he accepted just being friends with Rose.
"Oi, hipster boy, you gonna finish that latte?" Rose yelled out to him as she was rolling towards him. "As a matter of fact I will be finishing it." Avery said with a smirk, but just before he could take another sip Rose quickly skated past him, taking his latte with her. "hey! I was going to have that!" Avery yelled out to Rose who was a good 15 meters ahead. Avery jumped on his skateboard and started chasing after her.

By the time Rose had got to the school gates she had almost finished the drink. Avery finally caught up to the latte thief and got his drink back. Rose giggled, "Did that wake you up Ave?" Ave is what Rose called Avery, Avery didn't like it when she called him that though but he knew there was no point in trying to argue with her. "just a bit Rose". They walked into the school building and headed off to start their normal school Mondays. Once again everyone stared at her like she just killed someone 'again' as Rose walked into the classroom. "Sir, Rose should be expelled for bringing a knife to school." One of the girls yelled out to the teacher. Since Rose knew secretly the students in her class were terrified of her she took that as an advantage and gave them all a death stare. "EEK, SHE'S GONNA KILL ME" one of the guys squealed. Rose sat at the back and started digging through her bag for her Gameboy, but even though she remembered putting it in her bag, it wasn't there. Instead there was a Nintendo 64 cartridge, Rose thought this was weird though because it was Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask, except her copy at home is a much better state, this one seemed to be slightly rusted and the sticker seemed to be replaced by a strip of masking tape with the words written in bold: Majora. Rose put it back in her bag and ended up spending the rest of the school day thinking about the strange cartridge.                                                                                                      ~Ⓧ~
When Rose got home she ditched her bag and skateboard and bolted to her N64 with the game in her hand, she turned on the TV, started up the console and inserted the game. Rose was surprised when it worked first try. Normally when a game is a screwed up as this one it needs to be blown on and inserted again. She pressed the start button and there was already a save file, it read: BEN. Rose looked at the details of this profile and it was almost complete. Because Rose had already played this game so many times she decided to just play this file, when she was playing it though, Rose noticed that some of the things were out of place and the game kept on glitching up. But Rose was determined to finish this game, no matter how glitchy and messed up it got.

Rose had been skipping school the past few days to just play the broken game, but the same thing happened every time, Rose would approach Skull Kid and then burst into flames. "YOU KNOW WHAT SCREW THIS FUCKING GAME! RAGE QUIT!" Rose threw the controller at the cartridge as hard as she could and stormed up to her bedroom. Rose laid down on her bed wanting get out the thoughts of the broken game. The thing that mainly bothered her about it was that every time the game glitched she would notice the elegy of emptiness just standing there, as if it was the cause of her death each time she tried to do something in the game. The lights suddenly shut off, Rose quickly took out her music and looked around. She had seen enough horror movies to know not to go downstairs and see what happened, but Rose had a knife hidden in her desk sitting there for when she cut herself. Rose grabbed the knife and slowly made her way down stairs but halfway there she saw a figure by her N64, it looked like it was trying to fix the game from when she threw the controller at it. The figure looked up at her, she blinked once and the figure appeared right in front of her, It smirked and eerily said "You shouldn't have done that." Rose felt dizzy and blacked out. The girl awoke on her bed, music still playing in her ears and the lights were on, She got up and walked down stairs. When she reached the lounge room she noticed the the game was missing from the console and in its place was a note reading: You have met a terrible fate haven't you. Rose backed away slowly as she saw the TV screen light up. "impossible" she whispered to herself.

Glitched up Roses (BEN Drowned love story)Where stories live. Discover now