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   The TV started to go static as a figure slowly stepped out of it. Rose ran to her room, went to her desk and tried to find her knife. "Shit, where the hell is it." The girl was concentrating on finding her knife so hard she didn't notice her door creak open. "Looking for this" Rose looked up and saw a boy that looked like he was 17 standing by her door twirling her knife in his hand.  "give that back" Rose said angrily to the boy. "Now, now, you know its dangerous to play with knifes little Rose" He smirked again, Rose noticed that he was dressed like Link but his eyes, they were black with a glowing red iris and they seemed to be bleeding. "H-how d-do you know m-my n-name" Rose stuttered out as she just stood there looking at the link look alike. "you sound just like Hoodie girly, maybe i should ship you two." He laughed hysterically but then suddenly stopped and looked serious "but someone as beautiful as you shouldn't be with someone who doesn't even show his face."

 As he said that he walked up to Rose and cupped her cheek which was blushing bright red. Rose gained a bit more confidence and asked "Who do you think you are and why are you here?" He looked at the girl, dumbfounded and simply answered "I am BEN Drowned, and my reasons for being here, well lets just say you," BEN took a pause and started yelling, "FREAKING BROKE MY GAME!, I DROWNED FOR THAT COPY TO EXIST AND NOW I NEED TO FREAKING WASTE MY TIME TO FIX IT UP!" Rose flinched at hearing BEN yell. "u-um s-sorry about that, I-I-I um h-had a g-gamers rage" Rose was feeling like she was about to be killed by BEN, he seemed pretty serious about the whole broken cartridge. BEN smirked "you're even more cute when you're scared" Rose was starting to getting pissed at BEN at this point. But before she could say anything BEN had disappeared, there was another note in his place that read: I accept your apology but you should be more careful cutie, remember you shouldn't have done that. <3 BEN. Rose put her note on her desk on top of the previous one and went back to bed.

The next morning Rose got up and started getting ready for the last day of school for the week, she turned on the TV, still paranoid that BEN was gonna appear out of it again. There was the normal car accident on it but the next topic caught her interest. "Police have discovered another victim dead and it is assumed that the 'Chelsea killer' is behind it again. The victim lived in Townsville and his name was Avery Peters." At that moment Rose felt her whole soul collapse, she couldn't believe it, her best friend, her only friend was murdered. What Rose did not know is that BEN was sitting inside of her phone slowly watching her die inside, normally he would be laughing insanely at this but a part of him wanted to help calm her down. He quietly got out of her phone and gently hugged the broken girl. Rose looked up into his empty orbs, tears slowly coming out of hers. "shhh, it will be okay" BEN whispered into her ear as she cried on his shoulder.

After a long emotional cuddle session with BEN Rose asked the demon "Why, why did you come back?" BEN looked into her bright blue eyes and answered "I honestly do not know, maybe I just felt like you just needed someone after what happened on the news" BEN secretly knew who did this but he was too scare to tell Rose at the current time. "um, BEN c-can I ask you something" Rose looked deeply into BEN's eyes. BEN generally was heartless but Rose was different, he didn't know why but he wanted to make her feel better. "Of course" He gave a little smile, but it wasn't his usual smirk, it was a smile that had heart in it. "Would you mind staying here for a bit longer?" The demon looked at her strangely, he knew Rose had never heard of him before and she wasn't a fangirl so he considered her request. "I'll stay here for a bit longer Rose" BEN answered as Rose cuddled up to him.                                                                                          


     There was a knock on the door, Rose opened her eyes, she looked around and saw BEN wasn't here anymore, but he must have put a blanket on her before he left. Another knock was heard, "coming" Rose called out as she went to answer the door. She opened the door to see a large group of police, "good evening miss, is your name Rose Evans?" One of the policeman asked Rose. "Yes, what's going on?" The police asked if they could come inside and Rose made way for them as they all sat in her lounge room. "Rose I am very sorry to say this but your mothers plane crashed on the way to Britain." Rose felt tears coming up in her eyes, first her best friend and now her only known family has died. "a-are y-you serious?" Rose asked the man. "quite sadly yes, now because of you having no known family and you are underage, you will be sent to a girls home until further notice." Rose nodded her head sadly in understandment. "they will be picking you up tomorrow morning so make sure you have everything you need." the policemen said their goodbyes and sorry as they exited the house. Rose headed up to her room and started packing her clothes in one suitcase and in another her most beloved video games and their consoles.

     Whilst packing she noticed that the broken cartridge was placed on top of the letters BEN wrote to Rose. She grabbed a little wooden box and carefully put the notes and game inside of it and then locked it. The sad girl turned around to see BEN standing at her door. "So I guess you're going now" he walked up to her and gave her a huge hug. "I know normally I wouldn't act like this but, to be honest you are an interesting girl, I don't know if I will get to visit you as often because of the place you are staying at but I will try my best." Rose smiled at this and quietly said "thank you".

         Rose put her stuff in the back of the car, and strapped herself in, the driver headed off to the girls home which took about an hour to get there. When they finally got there the driver grabbed her things and took them somewhere else. "don't panic, we just need to do an item check, electronics such as, gaming devices, phones and laptops are prohibited." Rose slowly died inside, this meant she wouldn't be able to see BEN any more. At least she had the key on a necklace she was wearing so they couldn't get to the box with BEN's game inside of it. When Rose finally got her stuff back, well at least the clothes and the box, she started unpacking. Her room was a single room which thankfully meant she had no roommate to judge her scars and tears. The only person she wanted here at the moment was BEN, he was the only friend and person she had left in this cruel world. Without him she just felt empty and alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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