Chapter 3: The Assignment

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Chapter 3

The visiting room wasn't as filled as it usually was which I assumed was due to the early hour. This was the first morning visit I'd had since I'd been thrown into this metal container to rot and I wasn't sure I liked it very much. It felt cold somehow with the lack of families visiting lonely inmates but I couldn't help feeling grateful that I had a visitor; many of the inmates didn't even have that much.

I studied Jerry's numerously wrinkled face; the last time I'd seen him was exactly four days ago and it hadn't changed much; it still housed those kind brown eyes  and warm smile I'd long since grown accustomed to.

At the moment he was looking at me with concern and that look alone had me battling with the tears that threatened to fall. It was always like this when he visited me; seeing him reminded me of the life I'd once had and I always dreaded the moment he had to leave.

"You're too skinny, you need to eat Riley." He was saying and I shrugged.

"The food they serve here isn't exactly conducive to a healthy appetite." I said in a bored tone and he reached across the table to latch on to my hand.

"Well you gotta get past that son, you'll need your strength for this place." He said beseechingly and I nodded.

"Tell me what you've been up to? Have you made any friends? Are they treating you right?" he questioned and I had to smile.

"You make it sound like this is the first day of school." and realizing his folly he blushed; his drooping face breaking out in a zesty red.

"You know what I mean." He went on and I slipped my hand from his, fingering the cover of the book he'd just given me.

"Everything's fine so far I guess, no friends and as far as treating me right goes; no one's thrown a punch yet at least." I tried to sound upbeat this time so he wouldn't worry too much but of course he wasn't fooled. He'd lived this life himself after all; he knew what it was like.

"I think I may be in a crew." I announced and his head tilted infinitesimally to the side as he  took in my expression.

"What kind of crew? How'd you get in?"

"I don't know exactly, I heard they're the guys who can get their hands on things that the other inmates can't and as for getting in; I think my cellmate is trying to look out for me. I was in a bit of a dilemma yesterday and he picked me for his crew to get me out of trouble." I finished.

Jerry looked on at me thoughtfully. "Well it's good that he's trying to help you son but just remember nobody does something for nothing." He said wisely and I nodded.

I'd had enough time to think on that as I lay awake last night; wondering what had driven him to help me when I really had nothing to offer and more than once my mind had come up with sex as the only answer but I was damned if I was going to end up as some guy's bitch.

"Don't over think it Riley, just watch your back and be careful, don't get into anything with anyone and try to lay low." He advised and once again I found myself nodding at his helpful advice.

"I know, God I just wish-"

"Visiting hours are over, Ladies and gentlemen please make your way to the exit as visiting hours are now over." the intercom interrupted and around us, people shuffled out of their seats.

Jerry stood as well, his eyes going poignant which I could only imagine reflected mine perfectly. "Don't worry Riley, the lawyers are still working on it, we'll figure this out just don't give up hope and remember to take care of yourself." He said seriously, offering the same advice he always gave at the end of every visit.

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