Bonus Chapter: One Year Later

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Bonus Chapter- 1 Year Later


The poor, sad soul. I shook my head as I watched him stuff his thirteenth pair of jeans into the suitcase.

"Who even needs thirteen pairs of jeans?"

"I thought you came over to help me pack." Riley said, glaring at me with his bunny rabbit eyes. I curled my feet underneath me on the couch and sighed.

"I did, but just watching you is sucking all the excitement out of me." I yawned and stretched, then pulled a cushion into my lap.

"I wanna go but I don't wanna go. You know what I mean?"

"You're going to university to do all the random stuff you've always wanted to do." I responded. "You're supposed to be happy and excited and jumping up and down like you did the day we found out you got in."

"I know, but I don't want to leave Nate." Riley sighed for about the one hundredth time that night and I rolled my eyes.

"Nate will be just fine. He's got me and Johnny and Eddie and all the other guys to keep his company." I said, and when he only frowned at me, I grinned. "Oh, so you don't want him to be fine without you. Is that it? You want him to be miserable while you're gone?"

He blushed his usual Riley blush, then covered his eyes with his hand.

"Is that a bad thing?"

I shrugged. "If I was leaving for any length of time, I'd want Johnny to miss me to the point of insanity. So I guess its normal."

"You know how Nate is. He won't admit that he's going to miss me, but he says he doesn't want me to live on campus. He wants me to rent an apartment close by. That counts as something, right?"

"But it's a requirement for first years to live on campus. You don't have a choice."

"Well maybe they'll make an exception."

I laughed. "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do? Go to the Dean and say, I'm sorry sir but my boyfriend's a very jealous man who thinks I'm going to get swept off my feet by wayward college boys, so I can't live on campus. Can you please make an exception?"

"Hmm..." Riley bit his lip and turned his eyes to the ceiling like he was actually considering it. I reached out a foot and smacked him with it on the side of his head. He laughed. "I'm kidding. I know it won't work."

"Nate needs to relax. The whole world knows that you'd never even look at another guy. He's got no reason to be jealous."

"But it's the same with you and John gets jealous all the time." Riley said, and I grinned and swayed; his words instantly putting me in a happy mood.

"That's because Johnny's emotionally unstable. He can't control his overwhelming feelings for me." I giggled. "I forgive him."

"But sometimes I think maybe it's not just that he's jealous. Sometimes I think he just doesn't trust me. I think that a lot actually." He sighed.

"You know, your mood swings could be a sign of an underlying mental condition." I told him seriously, and when he rolled his eyes I swung out a leg to kick him again, but this time he dodged.

"Anyway." I went back to the topic at hand. "Even if you could live off campus for the first year, I would still tell you to forget about it. College is all about fun, new experiences, and living on campus isn't something you want to miss out on. Nate just has to accept that."

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