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Bucky stood there with eyes wide as Fungo appeared behind Delilah and the two ferrets advanced.

They're both out to get me!

"I'm going to kill you." Fungo snarled. "And spread your guts all over your apartment."

"Don't." Delilah whispered, "Let me talk to him."

"You'll die." Bucky snarled, his fang gleaming. Satchel advanced toward him and growled.

"Knock it off, Bucky." Satchel growled.

"You know what?! NO!" Bucky snapped. "You CANNOT tell me what to do anymore!"

"Then we'll both beat you up." Fungo hissed. Fungo pushed Delilah out of the way and him and Satchel walked towards Bucky.

You have to fight both of them! Use the lamp!

Bucky picked up the lamp next to him and smashed it on Satchel's head, he fell back and passed out.

Fungo looked down at Satchel and back up at Bucky, he bared his teeth and lunged.

Bucky grabbed a book on the coffee table and slammed Fungo away, he fell back like a dead rat. Bucky rushed over to Delilah and proceeded to smash her face over and over again with the book. She didn't retaliate, she just took the blows.

Bucky stopped after five minutes, he felt justice for this ferret breaking his heart, he felt satisfied. He walked over to the badly beaten girl-ferret, whom had many bruises.

Bucky dug his claws deep into her flesh and felt his heart thump as her skin popped beneath his claws and blood leaked out.

"There." Bucky stood and looked at his work. "You thought I wouldn't hurt you just because I'm in love with you, but you're wrong. You understand now, don't you?"

Delilah groaned as she turned to Bucky, she narrowed her eyes, then they widened.

"Wait, did you just say you're in love with me?"


"Uh..." Bucky felt his fur get hot, he decided to grab the book again and slammed her several more times with it till she passed out.

Phew! She doesn't know! you ARE in love with her?

What, good heavens, no!

So why'd you say, 'Phew! She doesn't know!'?

Uh...She doesn't know...

Admit, you're in love with her.

NO! Didn't you see what we just did? We beat her up! We left scars!

You will regret it, though. Rob will be back from work...anytime.

Bucky stop his mental argument with himself and opened the apartment door. He ran off and didn't look back.

I can go to Chubby's, granted Atari might come over...but I think I'll sty there for the night.

Bucky knocked the door as hard as he could, hoping none of the three would burst in the scene and beat him up.

Chubby opened the door, he was cut off when Bucky barged pass him and slammed the door.

"What the...?" Chubby muttered. "Why are you so jumpy?"

"Yeah, Bucky?" Chubby's sister meowed, she was on the couch, her four kittens playing on the pillows.

Bucky sighed and told them the whole story. Chubby's eyes widened and Shadow gave a cry of agony.

"Why Bucky?" Chubby cried. "Why?"

"Because I didn't want Delilah to know that I'm in lo-like to kill her, yeah!" Bucky cut off his previous statement and tried to look convincng enough, that failed.

"You're in love with someone you beat the crap out of?" Shadow muttered in a puzzled tone.

"I never said I was in love with anyone." Bucky growled. "Can I stay here for the night?"

"As long as you do't hurt the kittens." Chubby growled. "You touch one hair on their pelts and I'll rip your throat out."

Bucky's eyes widened with disbelief, rarely had he everheard Chubby talk to him like that, let alone anybody.

"O-Okay" Bucky stammered, the four kitttens looked at Bucky and meowed with glee.

"Yay!" Teddy purred. "We got a visitor!"

"He didn't bring us food like the others did." Elsa pouted.

"Who cares?" Lewis chirped. "We got a playmate!"

Bucky sat there at the kittens tugged his tail and ears while Chubby and Shadow slept in their cat-beds. He noticed Anna didn't join their excitement, she just sighed and gave a sniff before hiding under the couch.

Bucky gave a look of concern, he got on the couch and the three kittens joined him.

He gave one last look at Anna's fox-colored tail sticking out of the couch before falling asleep.

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