Lazarus Project

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I check over my work as I solve the last equation for my creation. I look at my creation. Even though I am at the verge of cracking the mystery of life, my mind goes to last night. I wait until dinner is ready to tell my brother about my experimentations. When I tell him, instead of sharing my excitement, he looks at me aghast, "Brother you are making a huge mistake! You cannot play God. I loved Sarah as much as you did, but what's done, is done. You can't go around trying to bring her back."

I stumbled back as if he had physically slapped me. "You don't understand. It was my fault she died. If I hadn't been drunk that night, she still be here with us. God has given me a chance to make things right," I said shakily.

"No No No NO! Don't you ever put God's name in this. He has nothing to do with your sinful atrocities. Fine, you want to continue with this evil, then go on. When you are done, stay away from my family," he roared.

"Brother," I croaked.

He looked at me one last time, "No, we aren't brothers, not anymore." With that, he left the house.

I look at the sky and realize that if I don't start now, it will be awhile until I can wake her. I race to my controls and open the sky roof. I watch as the lab table rises up. One last bit of doubt rises to my mind. I know one thing is certain, if this does not work, I have sacrificed everything for nothing. I watch as my table rises up into the sky. I turn the dials and configure the machines. When I am ready, I activate the machine. The light of the full moon reflects off the azure diamond.

Suddenly out of nowhere, a lightning bolt strikes hitting the table. I scream in frustration as the clouds pass over the moon and the moment is lost. I quickly lower down the table, tears threatening to burst from my eyes. I force myself to look at the body. All hope is decimated as I look and a see a gaping hole in the middle of her chest. I lay my head down on next and cry until I drift off to a tormented dreamless sleep.

I suddenly wake up with a start as I feel the body twitch. I lift my head up and then suddenly a hand shoots out and grabs me by my throat. I look up and see that Sarah is sitting up. First I feel ecstatic, and then a feeling of dread. What is happening? Why is she trying to kill me? I reach and grab the hand, but try as I might, I cannot remove it. My vision becomes dimmer when I realize that she is tightening her grip. She lifts me up and slings my body against the wall. My vision is obscured as blood drips into my line of vision. The last thing I see is her walking toward me. "Die," she says with an evil contorted grin. As she walked away my eyes closed for the last time.

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