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~The worst part was loving him.~

"She be walking towards the sunrise, her heart looking kind of hollow, her dark eyes turning lifeless, a cold soul sorrow leading into tomorrow." I sang as I turned the car into Mac's driveway. I stepped out and slammed the door as I turned on my heels to walk towards the door.

Mac answered the door when I rang the bell and bit my chin as he always did. Mac was weird.

"You done with James?" Mac asked as I sat on the love seat. I rubbed the bite marks on my chin and nodded my head. "Great. Where is his body?"

"I dumped his body at the bottom of the quarry. It should be gone by sunrise." I stated as I bit into the oatmeal cookie Mac handed to me.

"Another Shadow down," Mac whispered in relief. I kept nodding my head even after I blocked Mac's voice out the minute he said I did well.

Maxwell James' body now lay at the bottom of the quarry. I had killed him just two hours before I came to visit Mac. I stabbed his heart, quick and painless might I say, while on top of Crescent moonlit hill. How we got to Crescent, I had no clue. It was probably the hundreds of excuses I had used to lure Shadows out into the light.

Shadows were a species that came after humans. They are harder to kill and even harder to injure. Their whole body is a colored shadow. They appear human to the human eye and can only be seen as who they truly are in reflections. Every injury they get is quickly sealed by darkness. Every injury of theirs does not leak blood but leaks a dark tar-like substance. This substance it just like blood, but thicker and black. If dead, they disappear by sunrise, their souls have gone unlike souls of humans which are permitted into the afterlife.

A Shadow is born by a genetic mutation. Once born, the child seems human and appears human, inside and out. A point in their life comes along where their body starts changing. Some Shadows never change, for their whole life, they stay human and never know who they truly are. Some change just as they're born. Once they turn into a Shadow, they're immortal unless they get killed. They are able to change forms anytime they want.

I, on the other hand, am a Hunter, another species after humans caused by mutation. We appear more human than Shadows. We are born as Hunters and remain so for the rest of our lives. We get killed as easily as humans and injured easily as well, yet we are faster and stronger than humans.

Both Shadows and Hunters appear human most of the time and are hard to track and differentiate between humans.

Mother Nature has made both of our species after humans. Hunters believe that Mother Nature created us to battle out, extinct the other species, and carry on as the one victorious evolutionary species. Shadows believe that Mother Nature made a mistake and Shadows and Hunters were suppose to be one species that were split into two. So in a way, we have a soulmate out there. So here we are, with Hunters out for Shadow blood and Shadows trying to keep peace.

I believe either way one species won't survive, Natural Selection and all that jazz, and Mother Nature doesn't make mistakes. I'm hell-bent on keeping my species alive, even if it means spending my whole life killing one Shadow at a time.

Mac leaned over his laptop. "There is one report of a man who survived a jump into Niagara Falls." Mac squinted his eyes.

"Probably a Hunter." I mumbled with cookie.

"Probably. A Shadow wouldn't have the stamina for that." Mac wondered.

"Here!" he said a while later, "Mariah Rochelle. Girl who can swallow fire."

"Definitely Shadow." I got the words right out of my mouth before a girl slammed the door open.

"Hunter should be your next victim. If anyone could take him down, it would be you, Alias." Yon A Curie looked at me.

"Hunter who?" Mac said as he already began to type 'Hunter' into his database at the same time I said: "We hunt Shadows, not Hunters, Yon."

Mac Million was my supplier of info or you could call him my 'boss'. Yon A Curie was a friend of mine. Not a best friend, someone who was in a situation like I was couldn't afford to have best friends.

"Hunter WhoKnowsHisLastName is a guy. He's a Shadow." Yon A rolled her eyes at me.

"Is that his last name?" Mac questioned her still engrossed in his laptop.

Yon A just sighed and shook her head, not that Mac was looking at her.

"Do you know anything about him?" I questioned.

Yon looked at me sheepishly. "He was at Redden twenty-three minutes and ten seconds ago?"

"I guess that's enough to work on," I stated sarcastically.

"Great!" Yon exclaimed, not catching the sarcasm. Or maybe she was just shitting me? "I need a bath." She ran towards the bathroom.

I grabbed my coat and got up.

"Where are you going?" Mac finally looked up.

"Hopefully this Hunter guy is still at the club and I can kill him quick. If I don't come back before sunrise, just know this is going to take a while. Just a few days tops. Maybe." I muttered the last part before I walked out the door.

My name is Alias Array and this is the moment I began Hunting Hunter.

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