Song Ideas:
Fall-Justin Bieber
Don't Let Me Get Me- P!NK
Break Free- Ariana Grande----------------------------------------------
I wake up this morning knowing I can't just change my family and my friends but really can anybody?I get up and I walk to my bathroom. I look in the mirror and see the flaws I was given. There was a part in my life where I was happy. I had the guy of my dreams looked at me like I was a prize but he soon disappeared. I had everyone I loved be healthy but now most are about to die. After thinking about all the things I did wrong I soon realize my name being called.
"Nicole!!!" My mom getting annoyed that I'm not responding.
" What do you want from me, mom?" Me responding just because I know she won't stop yelling.
" Your about to miss your bus and you know I don't have time to drive you today."
"I know, I know" beginning to start rushing to the closet.
I grab a towel and begin to start walking to the bathroom. I start the shower facet and think about all the dumb things I have to do. I have to get a job because I borrowed my sister's iPod and someone decide to steal it at school and not even mentioning my phone was taken at Wal-Mart. As the water begins to get warm I begin to wash my body and hair. I rush and wrap myself in my towel and begin to dry off. I run to my room and began to put on the outfit I laid out last night. I run back to the bathroom and brush my teeth knowing I have no time to eat like usual. I run down the steps and I put on my book bag.
"bye mom" me yelling upstairs to my mom as I go out the door.
I began to think about why did I really want to wear a dress today and then I remember that I wanted today to be different than any other day . I wanted today to be a start in being different. I go on the bus like I usually do and sit at the back. I walk into the school and ........I Slip ( doing a halve of a split). I get up while people are laughing at me and I walk as fast as I can to push out the laughter. As I'm walking down the hall I bumped into someone and then I looked up. I see him. The hottest guy in the school was standing in front of me.
"Hey sorry" he says with a smirk on his face.
" yeah it's nothing" walking away with annoyance thinking he did it on purpose.
" I am really sorry " rushing up to me.
" yeah I could tell with that smirk on your face" getting more annoyed.
"What's wrong with smiling? My name is Justin by the way." smiling looking down at me.
" is this what you do with all girls or am I the one who gets picked out of the handful ?" beginning to walk again.
" Am I really that obnoxious?" starting to laugh while watching me walk away.
"yup" ignoring whatever his responds was.
I walk into class as the bell rings and I sit down. how could this be any better? I sit by myself in my painting 1 class.
" Good morning class" Mrs. Lily walks in with a big smile.
Ignoring her like usual.
" let's get started. I want you to paint the way you feel may that be in shapes,splats or in colors of different shades." Mrs. lily walks away to her desk as a new student walks in.
" hi I'm new to this school" he says to the teacher with a smile.
" hi nice to meet you what's your name?" Mrs. lily says.
" Justin. Justin Bieber" he says.
I look up hoping she doesn't point him to sit next to me. I grab my black paint and begin to paint my canvas.
" ok hi Justin there is a open seat right over there." Mrs. Lily pointing in my direction.
" thank you" Justin walking towards to my seat.
" just great" saying quietly to myself.
" why are you painting your canvas black? why don't you keep it white?" Justin says .
" white is to bright for me" wishing he wasn't speaking to me
" maybe that needs to change " Justin says while grabbing my paint brush and throwing white paint along my black canvas.
" maybe it doesn't. I have been fine in the dark" I say avoiding eye contact.
" I wish you would" Justin trying to finish his sentence
" You wish I what would try to change is that what your going to say?" Cutting him off
" why do you shut people out?" Justin says
" why do you randomly come to strangers and ruin their art work? Why do you start conversations with people who clearly don't have any interest in talking to you? Why can't you leave me alone?" Getting annoyed
" maybe it's because I can see you struggling and I care whether you want me to or not " justin says
" I'm sorry " realizing what my mouth had stuttered a pond
"I think we can try this again. Hi I'm Justin " Justin says smiling
" hi I'm Nicole and I like people who don't ruin my work " I begin laughing
The beginning of that day is when I saw myself changing. Maybe he was the key to a change or maybe he was just an add to my sorrows. Maybe everyday would start this beginning of change. As weeks went by I began to open up more and more . Finally he asked for my number and it was like a overwhelm of happiness had come. This was just the beginning.
Hey lovely readers,I had decided to try to fix the mess I created with this chapter. Please read on.
Question: what's your first impression of Nicole?

Life Is Worth Living
FantasyEveryday there is new conflicts rising. Some people can't conquer this conflict so they give up and life is just not worth giving up on. This story isn't about just a girl who gives up on life but a girl who finds a way and someone to help her co...