chap: twenty seven

150 10 3

Mia's POV:

I grabbed my bag from the kitchen counter and made my way towards the front door.

"Mia? Will you hold up for a second? I need to speak to you." I heard my mom's voice yell from upstairs. I groaned and slipped the bag off my shoulder before marching to her room.

"Mom, can you be quick? I'm already pretty late for school and Shawn's probably waiting for me." I said and she nodded in response.

She sat on the bed and gestured me to sit next to her. "Your dad wanted me to speak to you about your boyfriend. You've been spending alot of time with him." she said and I automatically rolled my eyes.

This was definitely the first time I was hearing something about Shawn from her. Never did I think it would be negative. "He's my boyfriend. I'm supposed to spend time with him. Besides, it's not like we do something wrong." I said, holding my hands out.

She nodded, "hunny, I know. You're 18 now and you're old enough to take care of yourself but as long as you're in this house, you're our responsibility. Your dad wasn't very happy about you spending the night at his place on your birthday either."

I got of the bed and folded my arms infront of me. I was in no mood for this conversation. "I already told you, I slept in Aaliyah's room. Why don't you get it?" I spoke a bit loudly this time.

She sighed and rubbed her forehead. "That's not-"

"Why can't you just appreciate the fact that he had planned so much for me. No one has ever done that for me, mom. He makes me feel special and I just- I don't know why you think of him as a bad boyfriend. He's clearly not."

She rolled her eyes, "I've been through your age, Amelia. I know how this works, the birthday sex and all."

My eyes widened at her statement and my heart started racing. She couldn't possibly have found out about us. "We didnot have sex, mother!" I yelled, placing a hand on my forehead. "What do you want me to do? Break up with him? That's so not gonna happen."

She got up and walked towards me, "stop being so over dramatic for once, Mia. You make a big issue about everything! All I'm saying is invite him over for dinner so we can get to know him better."

"Why do you want to get to know him? I'm the one who has to date him afterall."

She slapped her forehead and groaned making her way out of the door, "just stop being so stubborn and invite him over for Saturday. How am I going to deal with this girl?" she said and walked out of
the room.


I was snapped out of my thoughts when Shawn waved his hand infront of me. I slightly smiled and straightened my back. We were sitting at the cafeteria for lunch and I could barely concentrate on what everyone else was talking about.

I couldn't get the though of what my mother had said earlier, out of my head. I understand that she wants to be protective, that's her job. But I wasn't sure how to tell Shawn. I didn't want him to think I didn't trust him or anything because I did.

My trust started to grow even more after that night. I'd even get butterflies thinking about it. It was so special to me and it went exactly how I wanted.

He waved his hand infront of me once again and slightly chuckled, "is something bothering you again? You're so quite and you're eating either. I thought you were really excited for pizza lunch week."

I shook my head, "ofcourse I am. It's nothing, really. You don't have to worry." I replied, holding his hand.

"Do you want to talk about it in private? I know something's up." he asked again and then leaned closer so no one could hear us, "and I'm not giving up untill you tell me what's wrong."

I smiled and playfully slapped his shoulder before nodding my head. We left the table and walked out of the cafeteria, to the ground. "It's- alright look. Mom is just being paranoid and well, she think we're spending way too much time together and I mean, that's completely ridiculous, we're dating that's what we're supposed to do."

"Wait, calm down, calm down." he said, chuckling. "She's just a mother, that's her job."

"I understand but," I sighed again. "She want you to cone over for some crap dinner and ugh!"

"Look, I'm completely fine with dinner with your parents. If that's what they need to trust me, I have no problem with it."

I was completely stunned by his answer as I clutched onto his hand harder. "You. Are. The. Best." I said, making him laugh harder.


I kept tapping my feet on the hard wood floor, getting anxious as every minute passed by. The smell of mom's cooking filled my room which made me even more nervous. Shawn was thirty minutes late and by now, I had lost all hope.

My mother, was very surprised yet glad that Shawn had agreed to dinner. She made several dishes and spent the whole day making the house look welcoming. On the other hand, dad wasn't very interested in meeting Shawn. He didn't care much.

I sighed and got off the bed and straightened the creases formed in my dress. I threw my phone back onto the bed after leaving Shawn like a hundred voice messages. I just wasn't sure why he'd agree to come if he had to ditch last minute.

I walked back downstairs to the voice of my mom calling. A pit grew in my stomach as I looked at all the food she had prepared for him. She looked back at me, wiping her hands with a paper towel. "What time did he tell you he was going to be here? I don't want the food to get all cold before he arrived."

I wasn't exactly sure what to answer. I almost jumped to the sound of the bell ringing. "Oh crap." I cursed under my breathe.

"I think it's him. Call your Dad downstairs, would you?"

I did as told. Dad and Mom made it to the front door but I stood next to the kitchen counter, hoping it was him.

My stomach almost fluttered when the sound of his laughter filled the living room. I quickly straightened my dress and walked out of the living room. He was dressed in a suit and held a bouqet of red roses in his hands which he then handed to mom.

I could see him notice me from the corner of his eye and flash a smile. "C'mon in, dear. Dinner's all ready." I heard my mom say as they walked in. He walked straight towards me, pecking my cheek and placed his arm around my waist.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, leaning closer as we made our way towards the dining table.

"Making an impression." he replied and pulled out a chair for me and sat down right next to me. This was going to be a long night.


Dessert was being served and I could not wait for this dinner to end. A dinner that mainly comprised of my mom and dad burying Shawn in a million question, which he answered pretty gentleman-ly to my surprise. And also, Shawns hand that never left my leg no matter how many secret glares I gave him.

Shawn and I sat on the couch in the living room while my mom was busy in the kitchen getting dessert and dad was back in his room. "Is everything okay?" he asked, making me shake my head in response.

"Are you sure?" he asked again, nudging my arm with his elbow this time.

I sighed heavily, making him laugh. "I just- I don't know. This dinner thing sucked and I- yeah that's all." I shrugged my shoulders.

He looked around the room and then turned back to look at me with a smirk, "Do you need my help with making this easier for you?" he asked in his raspy voice, sending shivers down my spine.

Before I could ask what was going on, he was already pulling me upstairs. He turned to a room on the left which happened to be mine and shut the door behind us. He didn't both to turn the lights on as he pushed my back onto the door, crashing his lips onto mine.

I pulled back cupped his face in my hands, "what do you think you're doing? My parents are in this freaking house and if they catch you here, all of your effort to make them trust you will be destroyed."

He made my wrap my legs around him as he put one hand on my hand and one on my butt, "I promise i'll be quiet." he replied bringing me to the bed.

Her Undoing // shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now