Payton grabbed a pen and a notepad and wrote a sucide letter.
Dear Someone,
My life has reached an end.
But don't be sad.
Was it your fault?
You'll never know now.
While I was breathing were you listening.
To my pain,my concerns,my feelings.
No,so why are you sad.
This is not to make you feel bad,
It is for me to feel good.
I can't feel good about myself on earth.
I can feel good in my casket,it will feel good when I'll be down below.
Just know.
Whether you love me or not.
I do.
Whether you listened or not.
I spoke.
My life has reached its final breath.I love you Jace and Raven just know this for my good.
Love,PaytonAfter that she grabbed a razor blade.q cut,2 cut,3 cuts,4 he blood on the tub to the floor. Eyes slowly closing.
Jace sees the front door wide open,he had a terrible feeling.He ran inside yelling Payton! He ran upstairs and found her in the bathroom laying down,blood dripping for her wrist. He put her head on his chest holding onto her. Shaking and crying. Jace screams HELP SOMEONE! He said "baby you promised you wouldn't leave please stay with me." He drove her fast to the hospital ,going 120 miles per hour. Scared,nervous,and crying.
Random17 year old Payton Mae Sanders .Goes to North Side High School.She has only one friend named Raven.A boyfriend named Jace.She is bullied every day.She is a cutter,uses a razor on her wrist.