chapter 2 ~

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- the morning after the night out -

*phone rings*

Aaliyah - what the hell ? *answers phone* HELLO !

Aaron - Hey Mommy !

Aaliyah - hey baby, what are you doing ?

Aaron - Daddy is bringing mw back by you !

Aaliyah - oh yay ! see you soon

Aaron - see you later, mommy !


The Lord knows I wasn't ready for this lil boy to come home yet. Im so tired from last night, and he probably gonna have so much energy. I swear his daddy let's him eat anything he wants for breakfast.

*knock on the door*

Aaliyah - Oh God. *opens door*

Aaron - *runs inside* HAY MOMMY !

Aaliyah - hey lil munchkin ! Go put your bag in your room.

Aaron - *leaves*

Ray - Oh, Roc told me to tell you he & Ki'loni having a barbecue today at 2. You and Aaron should come

Aaliyah - oh cool, i sure will come

- getting dressed for the party -

Aaliyah - what do you want to put on ?

Aaron - i wanna dress like you

Aaliyah - *laughs* ok, i'll try

- at the party -

*Aaliyah pulls up*

Aaliyah - Hey everybody !

Ki'loni - AARON !

Aaron - LONI !

Aaliyah - *laughs*

Roc - back off lil nigga, thats my wife !

Aaliyah - *hits roc* do not say that word in front of him !

Roc - what ? what's wrong with nigga !


Aaron - is daddy here ?

Roc - come on let's go see him.

Ki'loni - awwe, that's so cute. I can't wait till i have a baby

Aaliyah - good luck child !

Ki'loni - *laughs*

- at the girl's table -

Bahja - so when are you gonna stop focusing your life on Aaron, & get you a man !

Aaliyah - *laughs* I don't need nobody !

Abby - YOU A LIE, how long has it been since you got some ?


Abby - *laughs* EXACTLY

Rachel - oh yeah, i heard the boys went out & ran into Ja'Quay .

Bahja - ooohh, aaliyah !

Aaliyah - omg, bahja we went out when we were like 16. Get over it ! *laughs*

Rachel - Myles told me he asked about you

Aaliyah - about me ?

Abby - ooh, somebody is over there blushing.

Bahja - yeah, i heard he supposed to be coming.

Aaliyah - Forreal ?

Bahja - *talks like Aaliyah* Bahja, we dated when we were like 16 GET OVER IT.

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