1 The Young Prince

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A matured woman walked down the corridor, poised and elegant. She wore a smile as she greeted her servants. Her red gown touched the ground. Holding her hands, was a young boy. About the age of five. He had silvery white hair with ocean blue eyes. The mother looked at his son and smiled.

"You're scared?" The boy nodded. "Don't be. You're going to have so much fun and make so much friends. I promise."

"I'm not going to make friends. I don't want to make friends. I don't want to go." He clutched his backpack tightly. Worry filled his body. The woman kneeled down to his size.

"Jack," she started. "You will be alright. Mummy's right here, okay? You're going to be such a brilliant boy when you grow up. So what do you say?" Jack shook his head. The mother sighed. But with a majestic smile, she looked into his eyes. "If you're a good boy and go to school, you can have as much sweets as you like." The boy's eyes lit up in excitement. His frown turned into a grin.


"Really," she repeated. The boy cheered as the mother let out a laugh.

"Your majesty," a man bowed. He wore a fancy suit, looking professional. The queen smiled.

"Call me Elise. You're like family, Robert." He smiled and looked at Jack who seemed to be in a world of his own. "Please take him to school." Robert nodded, taking a hold of Jack.

"Bye mummy!" He waved goodbye as he got on board a chariot. The horses trotted away from the kingdom and into the outside world. It was Jack's first time seeing 'normal' people because he was either cooped up in his room or playing with royal blood. Either way, it's the first time seeing his citizens.

As the chariot rode on, people began to cheer. The future king has been seen going to a normal school. An ordinary school filled with no royal blood. Isn't that a sight to see?

Jack sighed looking at all the people.

"What's wrong Prince Jack?" The boy looked at Robert with a frown.

"Mum said I can have all the sweets I want but, is this worth it for sweets?" The man chuckled lightly.

"A promise is a promise, prince Jack. And I'm sure your mother keeps her promises." Jack sighed again and turned his attention to his people. But one girl caught his eye. Her platinum blonde hair stood out the most. It was as if he had seen a goddess. She was simply beautiful. Jack blinked a few times and faced forward. He had no time for love. It was his first day in a new school and he was thinking about a girl? Shaking the thought out of his mind, Jack fidgeted with his hands. He was getting nervous by the minute.

"Don't worry prince Jack," Robert said. "You will be fine."

It was time for him to meet his fellow classmates. Jack jumped out of the chariot, gripping onto his backpack. There were many gasps and mutterings coming from children the moment he stepped out. Jack was becoming more and more nervous every time.

"Want me to come with you, sir?" Jack nodded staring at all the boys and girls that surrounded him.

"What are you kids doing here?" Came a voice from a woman. Her eyes landed on the prince and immediately ran to him. "Oh your highness!" She said bowing down to him.

Jack sighed. He hated it when everyone treated him so 'specially.' He just wanted to be like the rest of the people.

"Prince Jack is attending this school and I would like to know who the headmaster is," said Robert looking at the woman who was still bowing. "And you can get up now." Smiling, the woman got up.

"It's headmistress actually. I'm the headmistress of this school, Mrs Gretel. And I'm aware that Prince Jack was going to attend my school but I didn't think it was today."

"Sorry for not telling you the information but the queen wanted him to start early." The woman glanced at Jack and grinned.

"It's a pleasure for the prince to learn in this school." She put out a hand in front of Jack. He looked up at Robert with worry in his eyes.

"Go on." Sighing, Jack held her hands as she lead him through the huge crowd.

"It's the prince!" A girl squealed.

"Mama told me to always bow down to him," another said.

"Let's bow down or else he'll behead us." Every single student curtsied. Oh royalty was very important to them and of course, first impressions.

Jack's eyes searched the room. They were in a classroom which was painted in blue. There were chairs and tables scattered everywhere. His eyes widened as he saw the girl from before. She looked like a princess. Her back was up straight and her eyes were fixed on the teacher. Out of all the people, she stood out the most.

"Prince Jack will be in this class from now on." There were mutterings and squeals but he ignored them. His eyes were fixed on a certain platinum blonde haired girl. "Why don't you sit next to Hiccup? Hiccup, please raise your hand." A little brunette haired boy raised his hand. Jack walked towards him, glancing back at the girl. She was one mysterious girl.

"H-hi," the boy said smiling. Jack smiled back at him.

"Hi. My name's Jack." Hiccup chuckled. "What's so funny?"

"I know you're Jack. Everyone knows you're Jack. You're basically the Prince." Jack smiled widely at him. The little prince has just made a new friend. But his eyes landed on the mysterious girl. She hasn't talked to him or at least smiled at him once. After all, he was the prince. But he admired that she was so mysterious. She didn't care that he was the prince.

She felt eyes on her back. The girl looked back to find the prince staring at her and smiling. The prince. She glared daggers at him as she turned back to the teacher. Jack frowned. Why did this girl not smile back? Doesn't she have any manners?

Such an outstanding little girl.

~One year later~

A year has passed and Jack was still attending the school for 'normal' kids. But they still curtsied because they all thought he was going to behead them. Obviously, that wasn't going to happen. Oh and that beautiful girl was called Elsa. After a year, they only had one conversation. And that was just two questions. 'Hi. How are you? What's your name?' But Elsa apparently moved villages. No one knew where she moved and she didn't tell anyone. Jack was depressed about this. He wanted to get to know her more. Be friends with her. But that couldn't happen now.

He sat on the swing that was in the playground. Frowning, he looked at the floor.

"Hey Jack," greeted his best friend.

"Hey Hiccup." Hiccup sat on the swing beside him and rocked back and forth. He put on a smile as he faced his friend.

"You look gloomy. What's wrong?" Jack shook his head.

"Nothing's wrong." Hiccup nodded his head.

The two best friend's talked and laughed. Jack had gotten used to his new school and he had actually began liking it. He actually made a friend on the first day. His life was just going smoothly.

But the thing he did not know was that he had to marry a girl. And that girl was to be chosen randomly. God knows how he'll cope with that.

A/N: Hey guys! Yes I made a new book. I just got this idea and I'm like 'Must create book!' But the only thing that bothers me is the front cover. I hate it. And the fact that this chapter is so short also bothers me. I don't know what else to write so I'm sorry about that. Oh and I will be updating my other books sooner or later but I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm just in the process of making the chapters.

Sooo, why do you think Elsa doesn't like Jack? Any guesses? I promise I will be updating sooner or later.

Bye Unicorns!

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